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We arrived at the airport about thirty minutes ago but my flight wasn't near ready so we found a waiting lounge and Prisha was allowed to stay with me after some good explanation of my health and thorough security checks.

I say it's cancer benefits.

But Prisha left some minutes ago to get us drinks. So I sat here, waiting for her and quickly texted my dad that I was already at the airport. I have two luggages resting beside my chair, one with my essentials that I packed and the other was filled with the clothes Prisha bought for me. She didn't accept refund.

Glared at me when I protested which made me giggle loudly. A sound that was now foreign to my ears as all I've been doing lately is wallow in my sorrow.

I've had few friends in the past but they were they type that never checked up on me until I texted or call them first and that made me drop them. But with Prisha, she's shown me a different meaning of friendship. And I couldn't be happier that I met someone like her.

Just like they say; there's good in bad. My cancer made me gain a wonderful soul as a friend. And I really want to keep my promise to her but each time I feel myself getting strengthened by her optimism and positivity, I instantly get weakened once they cross my mind.

I don't know how I will do this. How I will be able to keep my words to her which I really want to do. I really want to keep hearing her voice, I really want to keep seeing her smile, I really want to make her proud.

So I hope I really can but every path ahead of me still feels foggy and darkened. There's still no sunlight as my head is filled sad thoughts.

But I'm ready to try. Ready to fight. And hoping to win the battle.

"Babes," Prisha called, plopping beside me with a cupcake and a candle stick on it, "I just fought a lion." She breathed.

"What happened?" I chuckled, turning to face her.

"I have lived in Korea all my life and you'd think I've gotten used to the stares by now, but no. These people will blatantly stare at you like you're one creature from Lords of The Rings so I took that to my advantage and chanced everyone on the line to get this cupcake, of course with a small flirt towards the attender but as I was coming back, there was this saucy girl who wanted to challenge me and all I did was give her a death stare, she fucking shivered." She laughed, using her free hand to cover her mouth from being too loud with her laughter.

"Tell me, do I look intimidating?" She ceased her laughter and glared at me.

"Should I be honest?" I pressed my lips together not to laugh.

"Yes please." She nodded cutely.

"For others, it can be intimidating but all I see right now is cuteness." I say to her, doing my best not to break into a smile as I squish her cheeks.

"I can take that. I can be cute for you, always." She winked, smiling. "I love your cuteness." I smiled, winking back. "Good because I wanted to look intimidating so when I see them, one glare from me will make them shiver just like that girl earlier." She rasped out.

As she mentions them, I just couldn't stop myself from feeling down once again and I guess it showed on my face because she quickly rasped out an apology.

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