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The two nurses, Prisha and Hana worked hand in hand swiftly and softly to help take all the necessary samples needed for the tests and left right after leaving the three us in a nerve-wracking silence.

My brain took the quietness as a good thing as it began to form up ideas of what could or might be wrong with me. Being a medical student didn't help in giving me clarity, it couldn't help to put a stop to the turmoil building up within me, creating strings of worry that is attaching to the crevice of my mind.

I am starting to feel scared because something tells me I'm not ready for what's to come.

And this wait for the result was wrecking me wholly.

"Angel?!" Jin soft voice sounded stern and that got me to look up at him, he was still standing along with Tae. "Yes Oppa?" I say, my tone questioning.

"I've been calling you for few seconds now, please don't think too much about this hmmmn?" He says to me as he sat down and grabbed my hands immediately squeezing them softly, "Everything will be fine my darling Angel, everything will be fine." He assured, smiling at me. And it did help to slow down the whirling pace of my thoughts.

"Yes Vee, all will be fine. Don't worry and you know we're always here for you." I hear the deep voice of Tae and he leaned down to peck my cheek, the action almost made me tear up, it just felt like what I needed.

That physical touch.

The emotional blanket.

"Thank you my loves, I will believe that too." I managed to smile at them, it was a genuine one but just forced. "The result is said to be out in about forty minutes time, I want a distraction because I keep having bad thoughts and I don't want them on mind. Please distract me." I tell them what I need, what I think can help me not go crazy before the tests result comes out.

"Awww Vee, do you remember how we spent our night?" Tae grinned as he climbed the bed making me scoot a bit so there can be enough space for him to sit or kneel.

"I'll like to know too." I hear Jin say from the end of the bed but he climbed and came to sit on my other side making me sat between them. They haven't done much but they were already succeeding at distracting my mind, all I see at the moment is the beauty and power they both possess.

"I remember." I whisper.

"You remember how I ate you while you sucked Jungkook, how you shattered on my tongue when you reached your climax?" Tae's deep voice questioned me, putting me in a trance, completely succeeding at halting my stupid thoughts from whirling, he replaced it with memories, memories of our explicit night shared passion.

"I remember." I whispered.

"What happened next?" Jin asked as he leaned closer to my face and began giving me kitten licks on my ear which caused me to hum out a moan.

"Then Jungkook fucked her pussy so hard while she was sucking my dick, she was such a good girl taking us both so so well." He murmured as his right hand palmed my clothed breast while Jin trailed kisses down to my jaw.

What was I even thinking about before?

"She was?" Jin mumbled against my chin.

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