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It has never been this torturing for them. It has never grilled them so hot to point of pain as they all sat there, staring at Jin holding up a white envelope and has only told them it was Ione's message for them but nothing else was said.

The ones who couldn't see past their anger all week long finally felt like their angering wings have been clipped, it dropped them from keep soaring into more anger that was useless when they still couldn't figure out their wrongdoing.

The ones who have been doing their best to reflect on their doings are filled up with anxiety of what this envelope contains. What exactly is in it and what impact would it leave on them?

Yoongi usually takes refuge in quietness, he found it comforting, it gives him that freedom to explore the inspiring ideas in his head but in this moment, he just couldn't wait for that quietness to be over. He couldn't withstand it anymore. He couldn't bare the pain it was causing.

A pain he couldn't fathom why it was happening.

Why was his chest rising and falling so fast? Why was he sweating when the air was so cool? Why was his throat dried up? Why was his legs slightly bouncing against the floor?

Why— why was he scared?

"Can you open it already?" He finally let out,  his voice sounding strained like he hasn't had water in days and his throat was almost closing up.

"Yeah. You just sat there and spaced out." Hoseok adds, feeling like he wasn't really ready for what is in that envelope. His heart was thumping too fast than normal and he couldn't understand why.

"Hyung." Jimin called, seeing that Jin was still spaced out. "Hyung." He called again but it didn't break Jin out of his overthinking stupor.

"Hyung!!" Both Jimin and Jungkook called out loud as Taehyung tapped Jin without saying any word. He was also experiencing his own different shade of pain. The self-inflicted one caused by the continual self-blaming all week long.

"Mmmn." Jin finally answered, looking back at everyone. "What did you say?" He asked Jungkook, thinking it was younger man who called to him and tapped him.

"Would you open the envelope?" Jungkook says to him. He had an idea it's her good-bye message but he wasn't too sure if he was ready to hear or read it. He wasn't ready to end it because then everything will finally dawn on him that he had really messed up.

"Oh yeah." Jin let out a nervous chuckle. The moment he read what was written on the envelope in Ione's room, he had begin to panic about what could be inside of it, he's been having so many thoughts lately and seeing this white envelope with the inscriptions on it skyrocketed those thoughts. He instantly told Jungkook to tell everyone to gather in the living room because they found something important in Ione's room.

But his mind hasn't allowed him open it. He couldn't dare. He couldn't dare open it because he was once again, thinking cowardly but this time, it wasn't out of selfishness, it was out fear.

"Are we sure we want to open it?" Jin questioned them and for his own sake he hoped for a negative answer. He would very much like to drag this out as long as possible because he still needs to figure out why he abandoned her and that fear of what could be inside this envelope was encouraging him to not open it.

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