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Taehyung could feel it. He could feel his freedom at his fingertips. He could feel deep into his bones. And amidst the entire chaos going on in his home, amidst the noise and all, he smiled.

He inhaled and exhaled like he had just teleported into a garden with fresh air. And this feeling germinated within him because of the call Hana just made to him.

In her head, she would have thought he would be dwindling in fear and not be able to sleep. She might have thought her threats against him and his loved ones would keep him on his ten toes all night in a panicked state. But that wasn't the case.

Hana fell right into his trap. The one he and his best friends had planned with their lawyers and a few officers of the law. They were following the case with so much meticulousness, and they were all waiting for the perfect opportunity that would jeopardize Hana's stance. And it was as if the universe was finally smiling upon them when they began seeing some new and contradicting posts on Hana's Twitter page.

Posts that could serve as evidence. Post that contradicted all her words and actions. Posts that concreted the idea that she is faking the pregnancy.

The detective had connected his phone to a computer that would record any call he makes and pinpoint the exact location of the caller so they could track her down.

And to be crafty with Hana, Taehyung made sure the call extended over a minute, begging her to not do anything bad to him and his loved ones. She was raging, she was cursing at him. She became worse than ever like someone who had just escaped the torturing room with a fried brain.

"Jimin, I can feel it. I think everything will happen in our favour this time around." He whispered to Jimin, smiling subtly with emotion-filled eyes. His heart was palpitating with a strong hope that promised freedom.

"I really hope so, Tae. I'm so tired of all this, and I want you free from the clutches of that evil woman." Jimin replied, grabbing Taehyung's hand and giving it a soft but firm squeeze.

"Let's be positive." Jungkook whispered, joining the small circle the two friends have formed. Their attention was now back on the professional people working on the case so Hana could be apprehended.

"We've got her location." One of the men announced.

"Send it to the nearest unit, tell them the culprit must not escape, we'll meet them at the location." The captain ordered, and everyone instantly moved to doing their tasks.

Jin walked to where Yoongi was standing, resting on the wall with his arms crossed against his chest. Yoongi was also lost in his thoughts, but it mostly centered about his past mistakes. He was already thinking ahead because he was so sure that Hana would be caught. But what boggled his mind was the fact that he didn't know what would happen to him and his best friends afterwards.

"Hey, you've been quiet." Jin stood before, gazing softly at him. He wanted to know what was bothering him. This was the time for the family to be together in both mind and soul.

"Just thinking about some things. Don't worry." Yoongi answered, he didn't want to add more to the worries on the ground. Until Hana is actually caught and jailed, they can't really be calm and have peace of mind.

So now wasn't the best time to talk about their uncertain future. Now wasn't the time to dwell on it either. So Yoongi decided to bury those thoughts. For now.

"Are you sure?" Jin asked, his hand firmly massaging Yoongi's shoulder.

"Yes, bro." Yoongi smiled then, because he knew Jin wouldn't buy his answer. But maybe if he backed it up with a genuine smile, he may believe him.

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