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Hi hi...if you have to reread the last chapter, you can do that so it flows better
with this one.

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"Great, you just had to fucking ruin it all!" Namjoon exclaimed as he flailed his arms above his head. Exhausted. He got up and marched angrily to his room, leaving behind a chaos his exclamative words kick-started in the living room.

A chaos that had suddenly erupted. Everyone talking over each other, the words aimed at Taehyung who had his head in his hand as he faces down, expecting this reaction from them. But his head was getting full, nearing the overload zone, aching as more words of chastisement were hurled at him.

He had nothing to say. He does deserves this, their anger, their unacceptance, their disappointment. He believed he deserved it so instead of getting on his feet to yell out a STOP, he found himself still seated, listening to them, accepting it.

He was the one who caused this mess, he was the one who allowed Hana to think she has a place in his life, he was the one who gave her the wings to fly and dominate as she wants, he was the reason for this problem and now, he needs to be a man and face the consequences.

However, Sunny had no likeness towards everyone's attitude, it was as if they've all been waiting for an outlet to pour out their anguish into and Taehyung was now the perfect scapegoat, the perfect vessel, the one to receive the words that has been hammering against their chests for weeks, that has been eating up their insides, that has been itching at their throats, they are finally letting it out but masking it with words of displeasure, words of disappointment.

But really, who were they to be disappointed at Taehyung?

They all pretty much created this mess so why put all the blame on one person especially someone who has been beating himself up about the whole issue. Who has kept it to himself for many days, who has willingly accepted that he was the one who fucked up.

"Guys, will you calm down?!" He yelled at them but it was as if they've blocked out any other sound except the ones that leaves their lips rapidly.

"Hey!" He shouts but no response. So he stood there with his hands resting on his waist as he watches them, seeing the guilt in everyone's eyes but they were doing well at making that guilt seem like anger. He sees Taehyung holding his head as he rests it on his thighs.

He was in pain. He was in a self-loathing state and they were only adding to his guilt. They are making him feel like he was right all along to have kept it to himself and that he should be feeling all the massive guilt for ruining things.

Things he didn't ruin all by himself.

Sunny has had enough. Seeing they weren't going to hear anything he has to say, he walked to the kitchen and grabbed a stainless steel pot, walked back into the living room then dropped it on the floor.

The sudden loud sound the pot made instantly made everyone quiet down and look towards where Sunny was standing.

"Ahhh! So I finally got your attention?" He glared at them.

The look of realization of their behaviour settled on their faces, they suddenly look disappointed in themselves. They've past this stage of blaming another for a problem they all caused.

Really, they've passed it.

"You think chewing him out in such state is good for him?" He questioned them, "Can't you see the poor guy already blames himself for everything and here you are, being the total opposite of what he needs right now." He scolded them. "If there's anything you are forgetting, you all caused this mess and I'll tell why later but don't you dare feel right to put the blame on just one person just because he fucked Hana." He says firmly to them, wagging his finger at them, "–or not." He added as Taehyung isn't sure about that 'fucking Hana' situation.

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