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~ Ione's POV ~


They haunt. They disrupt. They hurt. They feed on heartaches. They destroy peace of mind. They kill spirit. And they bask in nightmares just like the one I'm currently having.

I know it's a dream, it's unreal, nothing but a bad dream. I could feel it deep to my cores, I could feel the trembles all the way from the unconscious world to conscious world. I could see the whole purpose of why these memories are haunting me through this awful nightmare, I could feel its reason yet — yet, I'm scared.

Very scared.

Scared because I hate it. Scared because I can't escape until its job is completed — which is to break me. Scared because I'm still a fool who smiles at the freaking memories, I'm still so stupid that my heart thumps for them, so dumb to not be able to stand my ground — all I could do is be that Ione, the Ione who fell for them in this damned nightmare.

"Flower~"  He whispers airily into my left ear before biting on the shell of my ear, his large hand gripping my waist tight, his sensual action causing me to get heated all over. He has me pinned to the wall close to his bedroom door, whispering sweet nothings into my ear as he kisses and bite along my chin and neck.

"mmmn, Joon?" I moan in a needy tone. My reply made him push one of his legs between mine and rub his thigh against my crotch. The hand holding onto my waist leaves it position to grope my breast with its perked nipple.

"I want you." He moaned, his lips ghosting over mine, his eyes closed like he's reeling in the things he has planned for me for the rest of the night.

"Take me, Joon. Take me now." I breath over his lips, waiting for him to plunge into action.

"Flower, I'm so crazy about you. I fuckin' love you. So goddamm  much." He groans and presses his lips to mine, finally closing the torturing gap that has been between us since he started exploring my upper body.

The kiss was so gentle yet rough, like a mixed pace, going high and low, moving left and right but felt so assuring — like he truly wants me. My moans were signs of how much he was turning me on, and his groans were signs that he wants me so bad.

Grinding into his lap, feeling myself dripping even more, his hand groping my breast and pinching my nipples added to the overall pleasure, it was like my brain was slowly getting melted into goo, my hand found his hardness that my legs could already feel. It twitched the moment I touched it.

I pull back from the kiss and moan out, "Take me." Looking deep into his lusty gaze.

"How could you leave me out of this fun?" I hear 'his' voice, slicing through the built up tension that coated the air above Namjoon and I. Both of us turned to look at the source of our pleasure disruption who had a smirky smile etched on his pink kissable lips.

'I want him too.'

"You want her too?" Joon asked 'him' with an amused smile.

"Can't you tell? She's got us wrapped around her finger." He replied, "Come here." He crooked his index finger at me, I look at Namjoon and he lets me go with a smirk, spanked my ass to nudge me towards 'him'.

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