344 23 56

⚠️Warning: Very Angsty.
Enjoy another Update!

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It is falling apart.

Our relationship; it's falling apart into crumbles right before my eyes. And it took me a whole fucking ten days to finally see that this is indeed my new reality. A reality I very much despise with every fibre of my being because a reality that doesn't involve my boyfriends loving me is one I never want to live in.

I was wrong to have thought Tae listening to me that day was a sign that nothing was wrong. I mean, it was so obvious but I refused to believe it. I refused to open my eyes to see what my relationship with the seven has become.

I've been cooped up in my room all day, scared of running into of them and being either treated as nothing or treated as a responsibility, not like someone they love.

Not like their girlfriend.

At this moment, my mind couldn't help but trail back to moments that hurt most over the past ten days. I couldn't fight recalling the hurt I felt that morning and other days for the past week.


I woke up this morning with so much happiness, hope and bright energy. I was so ready to have breakfast with the loves of my life after a month of distance, a month of intense chemotherapy. I was happy to be back home and happy that we will reconnect again because I was sure me being back home will make us see each other more often and whatever invisible rift that has been created between us for the past month will melt away and we'll be closer than ever.

So I hurriedly took my bath, dressed up into a loungey outfit, put on light make up and put my beanie on to cover my baldness. I had a bright smile on as I trudged my way to the kitchen and when I got there, waiting for Jin to wake up as usual and come prepare his signature scrumptious breakfast.

I felt as if this morning's breakfast was going to be a family reunion.

Excitement buzzed through me and I couldn't help but keep smiling to myself, sitting on one of the dining chair.

It didn't take too long for me to hear hurrying footsteps padding down the stairs, I shoot up immediately from my seat to go see who it is, my guess was Jin but I was not so sure who came home last night. And Tae said he was very tired and couldn't cuddle. It did hurt for some moments until I told myself that at least he wasn't ignoring me. And that I was back home, with them.

"Hey Angel!" Jin says seeing me, "Good morning." He greeted.

"Good morning Oppa." I beamed at him. I was really happy to be seeing my oldest boyfriend standing before me.

"I'll see you later, need to rush down to the label. I have so many meetings today." He says that, pulls me into a quick side hug and jogged out. Very much unaware that his actions broke my weak heart.

"Vee!" Tae called me and I turned around to see him fully dressed as well, a back pack hanging on his left shoulder, "I'm leaving too, need to keep practicing." He informs me.

"Can't you use the dance practice room at home?" I questioned.

"Oh, no. I need to run it through the choreographer." He explains and pecked my forehead then left so briskly with his walk.

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