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His phone line was ringing and the sound was rhyming with my heartbeat, it's been awhile we spoke over the phone or even physically so I feel a bit awkward but I chided myself to act normal especially when I was going to be sharing an awesomely good news.

"Hey?" His voice came through, hearing that deep voice once again made my heart leap. I really miss him.

"Hi Joon." I reply, my voice sounded so small like that of a child.

"What's up? I'm sorry I haven't been in touch. How are you doing?" He asked, my heart squeezed at his reasonless apology.

"I'm doing okay and I have good news." I say to him, the excitement this good news gave me suddenly disappeared, replaced with this sad nagging feeling I've been harbouring for weeks.

"Oh yeah, what's it?"

"I got discharged this morning." I chirped, a little excitement coating my voice as I utter those happy words. Because they were all I've been wanting to share since the start of this awful life-changing journey.


"Hmmmn." I nodded to myself.

"Wow, that's a wonderful news. So happy you'll be back home. What did Doctor Geum say?" He questioned.

The mention of Home made questions erupt on my mind. Troubling questions that I have no answers to.

"My biopsy result came back last night and he said 95% of the blast cells are all gone and we can start the consolidation therapy. And that one only requires me to come to the hospital twice a month." I explained to him.

"That's so good to hear." He replies.

"So I called to tell you that and to ask who will come pick me up."

"Uhmm," He paused, the silence on his end got me nervous, "I am at my parent's house, came to spend time with them before the end of year shows begin." He explained and I couldn't help but feel sad.

I have nothing against him seeing his parents, he definitely deserves that free time to see them but I thought I was also a priority, I thought I was an important person in his life because the little I deserve was him coming to see me before he left for Ilsan, or at least told me about it.

And it's sadder because his parents know nothing about me. I actually don't exist to them. Besides from Jin's parents, Jungkook's parents and Hobi's sister. No other families of theirs know about our relationship. Know about me.

"Oh-" Was the only thing I could say.

"Jimin and Jungkook are out on a three days camping with their friend group. Yoongi has been stuck in his studio for days, working on D-2 consistently and Jin is busy meeting with some companies but I don't know what Tae is up too." He tells me, each words making my chest sting painfully, "I can try to reach out to him or just get one of our drivers to come pick you up." He suggested.

I want Tae even if it hurts that all my boyfriends have time for other things in their life but me.

"Please ask Tae." I say softly and sadly.

"Okay, let me call him quickly, I'll call back." Namjoon says and hung up.

I let out a loud sigh, trying to make my mind not think badly but the sadness couldn't be stopped no matter how many stronghold of walls I put up, it breaks it and envelopes my soul.

What is going on with us?

It's as if slowly, whatever strong bond existed between me and them is fading away, the usual sweetness, warmth isn't so present like before.

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