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Walking into of the big buildings, the interior got me looking around, it was well decorated and just like the outside - it gave that comfort vibe, the interior was even more comforting and homey.

Aunt Celine led us to her brother's office which thankfully was at the ground floor, even with my renewed energy, my cancer was still very much active so my little bouncing around has made me tired and hungry.

For the first time in a while, I am craving food. Oh my goodness.

"A little intro before we meet my brother," Aunt Celine's voice cuts through the silence air, making my dad and I stop in our tracks, "His name is Remy, he looks very intimidating in size and his facial expression but he isn't. I guess he just likes looking grumpy so don't think of it as anything when you expect him to smile and he doesn't. It's just who he is." She explains, then gestured with her hand for us to keep moving.

"His office is at the end of this hallway, sorry." She says directly to me, noticing my tired expression.

I shoot her a smile and say, "It's alright. Little exercise."

"I can carry you if you want." My dad suggests, looking at me as we slowly move our feets to the office we are heading.

"Thanks dad. I'll be fine." I answered him.

"Remy is that golden child. A genius and a blessing to mankind even though he doesn't want to be praised as that but that's exactly who he is." Aunt Celine says fondly, a smile on her lips, "He was into tech, specifically Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning before he transitioned to medicine, thinking of creating more solutions that aren't tech related. He's so amazing for that." She speaks more of her brother, and the twinkle in her eyes tells how much she is proud of her brother.

"My parents are proud of us both, they did so well balancing that love when in the real sense, he's that great child every parents seeks for and adore. They supported us both in chasing our dreams to the fullest." She smiled, her smile made me smile too. She was that beautiful light-skinned woman, petite in size and a bit busty in shape. She continued, "When he started this project for curing anything blood cancer, my parents invested a lot as well as him but nothing bypasses the government so they have a hand in it, they just agreed to the terms of my brother to not make this a public thing yet until everything is super clear and stable. He doesn't want to implant hope in people only for it to fail. Self doubt, I'll say," She shrugged her shoulders, "-because he has never had a fail case over the last two years he privately launched this therapy process." She finishes as we are now standing before the door to his office which had a small golden plate with his name on it.

She sighs, but that of relief.

"I'm just happy he's doing this and grateful that he's going to be able to help my precious goddaughter." She pulls me to her side, patted my shoulder before knocking on the door.

We heard a thick voice telling us to come in with which we obliged as Aunt Celine led us in.

"Hey sister." Uncle Remy said in a bored tone with a very bored expression as he raised his left hand to wave at her from his sitting position.

"Don't I deserve a hug?" Aunt Celine stood before his table while my dad and I watched the scene from behind her, "When last have you seen me, Remy?" She questions, resting both hands on her waist as she sends glares to her brother's direction who only nods and got up, walked around the table and pulled her into a hug.

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