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~Few weeks later~

Ione's POV:

Light steps of my feet meeting the soft grassy ground, gentle thrums of my heart in absolute wonder, stable and slow inhalation and exhalation of this fresh air that this green forest garden is filled with. A bright happy smile etched on my lips as my eyes dances around this beautiful natural space. My heart feels so delighted hearing the harmonious songs of the birds perched high up in the trees, chirping happily as they create this rhythmical sound.

This feels so refreshing. Heavenly.

The woodsy scent that has majestically woven with the oxygen the healthy trees emits has made its way into my nostrils while also engulfing my wholeness, the subtle breeze blowing around me, kissing my caramel skin and my bald head made me feel so relaxed, so comfortable, so welcomed in this beautiful garden.

My latest discovery. A fucking treasure.

I found it on one of my daily long walks in this massive estate, I was surprised that Remy never mentioned it to me in any of our conversations. Oh yeah, he had told me to remove the 'uncle' title from his name. He wasn't particularly pleased to hear me call him that, saying he wasn't that much older than me. I had jokingly apologized and that's when our friendship started.

My parents has gone back to Saint Paul De Vence, only visiting during weekends while Aunt Celine went back to the city to do her own thing after spending one week with me and her brother. So it left me to only have one friend here who also happens to be my doctor.

And as much as I've told him about myself and likewise, I refuse to mention anything about those that broke me. Heart and soul. And I was thankful he didn't pry. He's still much of an introvert but warms up to me when we chat. He sometimes joins me on my walks and other times, waves me off.

He's been respectful and sweet which made my respect for him along with all his great accomplishments grow. He's definitely a man of honour.

I have been doing amazing at avoiding the flowery garden, the one I saw the first day I arrived here, the colourful flowers that looks so beautiful and ethereal, that I enjoyed basking in them. But once I settled in, that my treatment has kick-started, I couldn't go to that area anymore, it kept awakening memories that makes me weary. The second and last time I went there, I ended up crouched to the ground, crying my eyes out and eventually passed out from being too weak. Physically, emotionally and mentally.

So after some gentle scolding from both my personal nurse that I've refused to get closer to due to past experience and my doctor, I promised not to go over there anymore nor wander off. More for my sake than their scoldings but here I am, once again, wandering around this beautiful green forest garden.

What I have come to love about it mostly is that it is only green. No other colours. It is exactly what I needed, I didn't need reminders of what I am doing my best not to keep thinking about, especially when they crossover into my dreams.

Should I even call them dreams when they are haunted by my heartbreaking past.

Nightmare might sound bizarre or dramatic but it could very much describe what those dreams are like. When one wakes up from a dream, they smile because it's beautiful or shrug because it's stupid and meaningless or even forget them. But when one wakes up from a nightmare, they feel chills all over because it was scary, they feel sweaty because it was draining like they've been running a marathon, they feel sad because it wasn't pleasant, they feel broken because they just can't forget.

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