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What the fuck is sleep in the presence of restlessness?

Their tired eyes was as alert as ever, stuck at the doorway. Their ears ready to pick up any sound that may come from the outside of the house. Their nose ready to take a whiff of her scent, once she nears the house. Every part of their being was fully awake and ready to shoot into action once she steps in.

Steps into their home.

Even if the things going on and on in their head was vastly different. Nobody was calm. Nothing was calm. Not even the night.

Because there was a heavy downpour, the thunder making the earth rumble in an angry feel, each time it thundered, the sudden sound catches them unaware causing them to jolt, the lightning was like a constant flash to remind them of their situation.

Their girlfriend is unreachable. They stuck to using that word for now — unreachable.

Jin had gotten up minutes ago, unable to continue sitting down while the universe itself keeps growling at him, he was restless, they all were. He walked up to the window, he watched how the rain continuously and harshly pelted against their small lawn. Everything about this rain spoke anger, the way the wind kept moving the rain's direction from east to west, north to south or how constantly the thunder kept hammering against the earth, it made him remember what he witnessed yesterday.

The sky.

The way one side was so bright, beautiful and calm while the other side was dark, gloomy and angry. He now realised what it actually meant — the calm before the storm. The blue side represented the calm while the grey side represented the storm.

The storm which is now here, showing him how angry it is and he couldn't help but think this was just the beginning of their trouble. Something unfathomable was coming for them, something they aren't prepared for. He could feel it.

And it might have to do with her. His Angel.

That thought arrival sent a massive chills throughout his body making his knees buckle against the wall, "Ughhh." He groaned subtly and due to the continuous loud whirring noise the rain was making, the others couldn't hear that sound of pain and displeasure he made.

Especially when each of them were long gone in their own head. The fantastic and popular 3 AM thoughts, torturing them to the fullest.

But the question remains; where is Ione?

Her number was still not reachable but they planned to wait until morning before doing more, hoping she was alright and there wasn't need to fret. Hoping that any minute from now, she would walk in, all good and safe. That was all they could do — hope.

Hope things were okay with her.

But that doesn't seem to be the case as time kept running by, there was no sign of her even until now when the sun was rising after a stormy night. The day getting brighter and clearer each passing minutes but it didn't bring the good news they've been hoping for all night.

"Okay, fuck it. I'm calling the police." Hoseok mutters, unlocking his phone quickly and ready to dial the emergency line.

"And tell them what exactly?" Yoongi questions rhetorically, "That our girlfriend is missing?" He quirks, waiting for a better idea than what he just asked because they have no idea what is going on and they need to tread carefully when it comes to the law.

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