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Remy had always considered himself a weird man. One that was a different breed and wired differently from most of the general public. He had grown up falling in love with his computer, never developing feelings or crush for a girl or now as an adult, a woman. He had instead enjoyed the complicated and intriguing world of Artificial Intelligence and Software development, he had fallen in love with giving commands to his computer by writing codes in different programming languages. He never had time for love and he never craved such feelings and emotions.

He was okay like that. He didn't see the need for it when his life revolved around his work. He loved to help people, he loved creating solutions and he knew that was his calling so he had dedicated over thirty years of his life doing that. And it was easier for him. It was easier for him to indulge in his passions and talents rather than chasing after the uncertainty love revolves around.

Most of his few friends he has, have at one point experienced heartbreak. And the intensity varied. He remembered vividly how one of his friends had spent five years mourning his lost relationship and he also remembered how another one had bounced back into a new relationship the following month after breakup. It was then he knew that love was complex and it differs with people.

So why bother wasting time on something that would make him go through what was a huge contrast to his balanced lifestyle. He loved the privacy. He loved the aloneness. He just loved that he knew what he wanted and went for it without hesitation, without debate - and that had made me not be able to experience just how a heartbreak feels.

Because if he does, he would be able to understand more of Ione's pain. He would be able to help her more because then he would know exactly where to focus on. But he didn't, he didn't know just how it felt.

"-that Remy, is my story. My past." Has Ione finished talking, the tears she's been fighting hard for the past minute not to roll down her cheeks did. They came out so fast that she had to close her eyes in an attempt to stop them. Her words got stuck in her throat but that didn't hinder a silent wail to break out. And she fell forward into Remy's arms.

Arms he instinctively opened seeing how her figure came falling towards him. Her cheeks pressed against his chest, just right on the side where his heart resides. And he couldn't control just how wild his heart was thumping.

And also throbbing with pain. A pain he associated with seeing the woman he is beginning to fall for, cry. Although he had never experienced a heartbreak, that fact didn't stop him from feeling her ache as she cried hard against his chest.

"Ione, you did so well." He rubbed her back, gaining a stance in his fumbled mind, coming out of his head to focus on the woman breaking afore him. "It was so good you said it all out. Your pains." He rasped softly above her head. "You freed yourself away from the hold your past has on you." He tells her with so much firmness in his voice. "You are already ahead of what's been holding you back. You are already defeating it and very soon, you'll be completely free." He continues rubbing her back in a soothing manner.

It was never in his plans to fall for anyone, he knew it was something he'll never be ready for or something he could handle with the way he lives his life. But what he was currently experiencing was certainly an act of falling in love. He knows that too much by watching his friends fall in and out of love with women. And he felt like life was playing a joke on him.

Ione was a different woman. One of a kind if he dared to say that. She wasn't the everyday woman one encounters and probably that's why he has never been able to fall in love because no one was her. Her uniqueness was obvious, maybe not to her but definitely to any man who has encountered her.

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