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Am I finally at the end of the tunnel? The end that usually promises light after the struggle and thriving through the harsh darkness? The end of the tunnel that holds hope, that promises a fresh beginning, a new start?

Am I there now?

Because if that's where I am, then all that preached words about finding the light at the end of the tunnel is a lie, there's nothing here, there's no light. Not even a peek from a tiny hole or a hue in my vision. Absolutely darkness is what still surrounds me.

"Chérie~" Her voice floods through my hearing organ like a calm wave. (Sweetie)

"It's Aunt Celine~" Her whisper brings me peace, calmness to my shaking body and a hue of light to my vision.

"I'm here with you~" I feel the water brimming my eyes and ready to stream down the sides of my face.

She is here with me. I repeat to myself in my head. She is with me.

"And everything is gonna be okay." I break into a sob as I feel my body calming down from the seizure, as I feel her helping me up to lay my head on her laps, as I feel her hands caressing my face and patting my head that had a black beanie on.

"Shhhhh~" She shushes me, smiling down at me. "Everything will be alright." She wipes my tears away, guiding me to utter calmness. The Seizure didn't surpass a minute or so but it felt like an hour as I felt even more drained.

"Talk to me, how are you feeling now?" Her ever soothing seeps into my ear.

"Aunt Celine-" I rasped lowly, "-I'm dying." I answer her.

"You aren't Chérie, you just had a seizure, I'll take you to the hospital and they will run a quick check up on you and you'll be fine." She replies quickly, very much oblivious to my plights-

-Heart ache and Cancer.

"Aunt Celine," I whisper before breaking into a small laughter, "I am dying. Your goddaughter has Leukemia, this seizure was a sign of how worse it has gotten." I explained after my laughter ceased.

"Hello miss," A male's voice interrupts, snapping both our attention, "We've called the paramedics and they are almost here to get her to the hospital." The man is a security officer, he stood above us and told Aunt Celine.

"Tell the Paramedics not to worry. She's my goddaughter, I will take her to the hospital that treats our family myself. She has cancer." Aunt Celine's voice came out so strong the man couldn't argue. He nodded at her and walked away.

Witnessing her fierceness once again made me smile to myself. I've definitely missed my godmother, being with them really made me distant from those I truly loved, I dedicated my life and heart to them only for them to crush it like they were nothing.

Which makes me more sad that I won't get to continue seeing my loved ones longer. Time isn't particularly on my side.

"Do you think you can walk?" She questions me breaking me away from my sad thoughts. I gazed up at her and see she isn't fazed by the information I just told her. Aunt Celine has always had a good control on her emotions especially when she's sad or angry, she always manages to keep it at bay so it's no wonder she's not reacting right now but instead shooting straight to action.

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