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"Ione, the result is out." Doctor Sunny standing before me with Nurse Hana by his side say to me. He was once again looking too serious, he's a man who jokes and teases a lot so this expression he was giving off awoke the sleeping nerves, the nervousness and paranoia I was feeling the other day that was long gone especially after that night sex with Hobi, everything felt better. When I woke up the next day which was yesterday, I had a new found hope established in me that all was going to be okay.

But now, those five words Doctor Sunny just uttered sent me back to how I was before I got those good distractions, now I feel a massive wave of fear storm my system which made my heart start to beat fast, some would call this panic but I'll say this right now that I'm feeling is utter fear.

I am so scared of the unknown.

"Tell me, what is the result?" I asked, doing my best to calm myself. Trying to grasp onto that hope that helped me through the whole of yesterday, no worries, no overthinking, no paranoid thoughts just me chilling and having fun in my hospital room, awaiting my biopsy result.

"I think you should wait for your boyfriends. I've called them, they are almost here." Doctor Sunny replied swiftly.

"I'm not a baby, just tell me what it is." I chuckled nervously. "I have been waiting for answers since the past three days, stuck in this hospital room, I think I've been patient enough so please tell me what my result is." I rasped out so fast, whatever patience I thought I had already left me the moment he uttered those words.

I just want to know already. Put an end to this misery of overthinking and allowing it to reign in my mind.

"Are you sure, I'll rather-"

"Please, just tell me." I interrupted him.

"You have Leukemia." He tells me. The word rolling out of his mouth, taking the void space in air as it filled me ear drums.

"Leu-what?" I asked, my sitting position even more upright than before.

"Ione, I'm sorry but it's Leukemia causing all of this, that's what the biopsy result showed." He answered, pity gleaming on his eyes.

Wow, he's such a clown.

"Doctor Sunny, you're too hilarious." I chuckled, throwing my head back as I rested on the pillow.

"Ione, but I'm serious." His face was full of worry and pity but before I could reply, my boyfriends barged into the room, panting and frantically searching with their eyes for me.

"AHH Jinnie, you're here. You can't imagine what Doctor Sunny decided to joke about this time." I announced to him as I tried not laugh, "He says I have Leukemia, can you believe that? He's such a clown." I laughed, the sound erupting from my throat like it's the only sound it can create. It was loud yet shaky.


"Angel~" Jin's eyes were sad as he walked towards me.

"Ione, this is no joking matter. I am not joking this time around." Doctor Sunny deadpanned but his voice was soft.

Why is he talking softly?

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