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Dinner was nice. Solemn, tasty, soothing and everything they needed after so much of running and high emotions. A family time they've all been silently craving but had little to no courage to ask for. They gazed at each other with love, they fed each other endearingly, they smiled with so much freeness in their chests, they enjoyed the food genuinely and made sure both Sunny and Yoongi were praised for cooking something this yummy.

And once dinner was over, everyone gathered in the lounge to discuss the next step in the whole matter of Hana's claimed pregnancy. Surely, various ideas has crossed their minds but there was just one that stuck out the most and seems like the only solution that could very much clarify what was going on because due to Taehyung's words, they did not have sex as he doesn't have any idea of it neither did he feel it in the morning so their conclusion is that 'she is lying'.

"You need to take a DNA Test." Sunny was the first to speak, directing his words at Tae, thinking how he can help play a part in getting that done since he is a doctor as he and Hana works in the same hospital.

"That's what I was thinking of too." Yoongi spoke. "But is there a way to take the test before she gives birth, that's if the pregnancy is real." He questioned.

"Yes, it's possible." Sunny nodded. "It's called Non-invasive Prenatal Paternity Test. It can be done as early as 10 weeks which means she can take the test very soon. How many weeks is she now?" He asked.

"9 weeks now." Taehyung answered sharply, if there was a way to shed light on this entanglement, he was ready to provide every information needed and do his best.

"Okay good. So we just have to wait for one  more week." Sunny says, everyone nodding.

"But won't we need her permission or sort?" Jungkook voiced. "That's true, we need to tell her. Can you call her over?" Sunny questions Tae.

"Yeah but she can be a little somehow." Taehyung says grudgingly, her ridiculous demands for the past few days has been so annoying. He really hoped she wasn't pregnant for him. A child with her is a chain on him forever because he'd never abandon his child.

"Don't let her know we're here, just tell her to come over, that you have something important to discuss with her." Jin tells him, making him nod and bringing out his phone to dial her number.

He put her on speaker, not wanting her screeching voice close to his ears. Everyone went silent and waited for her to pick up, which she did on the fourth ring.

"Tae-Tae honey." She calls sweetly from the other end, but the sweet voice lacked sweetness, it instead contained mischiefs and sourness.

"Can you come over to the dorm? Want to discuss something important with you?" Taehyung says, catching Jimin rolling his eyes from the opposite seat which made a faint smile appear on his face.

He was not alone. Alone in this.

"Are you finally going to discuss our marriage?" She questions with a change in her tone, the tone that sounded more like the bitch she is. And before Taehyung could give a reply, she added, "Because I can't be anyone's baby mama, and that fucking includes you, my love." He could literally see the smirk sitting on her face as she utters those ridiculous words.

"No, it's not about that. We just need to discuss something crucial." Taehyung answered, the faint smile already disappeared as he hears her talk in that tone.

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