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It's so cold. No, no. It's fucking freezing.


Taehyung could feel the continuous harshness of the cold enveloping his wholeness, he could also feel that whatever he was laying on was nothing near soft or smooth. It was so rough and rocky, it made his back ache especially with the cold settling deep into his bones.

His breathing wasn't fluid and easy, the air was thick and misty, each inhale didn't satisfy his lungs so the need to breathe better overpowered his senses which made him slowly cracks his eyes open and his sight was instantly met with a whitish smoky air.

Where am I?

With a grunt, he props himself up from the rock with his arms, his eyes glanced around to figure out exactly where he is but as his eyes moved from left to right, something, no, someone's silhouette caught his sight.

Who was that?

He lifts himself up totally to stand on his bare feet and instantly he could see the air was very foggy and the wind was very harsh blowing his light white top against his body, making howling sound in his ears, he looked and saw he was also wearing light white pants, his bare feet getting cold and colder each seconds that pass. The question on his mind about his change of outfit and whereabouts died down the moment he had a sobbing sound coming from the person sitting some feets away from him.

His curiosity and concern spiked.

He began to thread forward, taking gentle and careful steps, almost reaching the person he could now see it was a woman, her voice, however, stopped him the moment she spoke.

"Don't come near me. Not after damaging me. Don't." The woman croaked out, her back was facing him so he couldn't see her face and from what it looks like, she was sitting on the edge of the cliff.

But his worry spiked up even more especially when she sounded like her. His Vee.

It couldn't be.

"V-Vee?" He stuttered, scared to confirm his suspicion.

"Do not call me that name again. You don't have the right to call me that. You don't, Kim Taehyung."

"Vee!" He cried, going down on his knees instantly, not caring about his knees bruising against the rock from the way he dropped down.

"This is where you drive me — the point of death so I'm going to give you the full satisfaction of seeing me die."

"Please Vee, please don't die. Please, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Vee. Please don't die." He cries as the words of pleading rushed out of his mouth, he wanted to reach out to her, to touch her, carry her away from the edge she was sitting on but there a force demarcating them, a force that made her unreachable. He couldn't touch or feel her.

He couldn't hold on to her.

He couldn't even see her face but from what she is sounding like; she was in so much pain and sadness.

If he could turn back the hand of time, he would make different decisions, he would pay more attention, he would do things differently and now he was attempting to at least save her. She doesn't deserve to die.

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