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Warning ⚠️
Very Angsty.

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Everything in life has a beginning and an end. The moment it starts, there's already a set time it can last for, it's like a sand time, slipping slowly through the tiny hole into the other half void space, most times one is unaware of when that end will come but other times, there are visible signs, there are clues, there are tell-tales that it is coming to an end.

Just like when the colourful rainbow appears, painting the sky, it creates a happy feeling in one's heart just staring at its beauty but we all know that that happiness is momentary, its beauty never stops but ends when it disappears. It has a limited time to come glow in its colourful glory, but we are never aware of when the ending time for it could be so we just stare at it and hope it last just a bit longer.

Just a tinnie bit longer.

And that was me, for the past three days, I've been wishing and hoping all that has happened was a bad dream and that everything was normal. I was praying the days get prolonged, that they get stretched, that a twenty-four hours day turns into a thirty-two hours day. I just wanted time to be nice to me, I just needed more time to cherish what was left of our once beautiful relationship.

I just needed that time so bad because I never wanted an end to happen. I never saw it coming. I never craved to see it unfold before my eyes. I never wanted it to be my new reality not especially when the result of my tests were just as expected.

But apparently, every good thing in life always come to an end. Just like a beautiful blooming flower will eventually wilt and die. Or an electronic will eventually get weary and lose its performance efficiency then eventually stop working. Or like a beautiful soul taken away from this world. Timely or untimely.

They all come to an end. Always.

Just like me.

Just like us.

Scurrying out of the hospital, dressed in all black; black long coat, black tight pants, black top, black sneakers, black beanie, black gloves, black face mask and black shades. All black to represent my mourning, the mourning of the end of a beautiful chapter of my life.

I hailed a cab quickly and once inside, I puffed out a huge breath, the meeting with the doctor was choking, it made be breathless but Doctor Geum couldn't see it. He couldn't see how each words of his explanation was breaking me into pieces. It was breaking any tiny piece of strength left in me. It melted away any tiny hope I thought I had left. It shooed away any positive thoughts and replaced it with negative ones.

This new twist of a chapter life has brought to my doorstep was so clear yet foggy.

I'm lost in the sea of sadness and hurt. Drowning in pain and ache. Losing to this battle.

"Ahjussi, take me to Treasure Gardens." I say to the driver. "Okay, we'll arrive there in fifteen minutes." He replied and focused back to the road.

Treasure Gardens was the beginning of my relationship with them. It was where I got proposed to, to become their girlfriend. It was where we celebrated our one year anniversary few months ago. It held happy memories of us and I wanted to go relive them, I wanted to experience what it feels like to be totally loved and cared for once again even if it's in form of a lucid memory.

A replay of it. Of that moment.

I spent the next fifteen minutes listening to their songs, the comforting ones. The ones that are my favourite, the ones that helped me during nights of assignment when I needed a soothing sound. The ones that showcased their amazing talent of vocals, cadence and lyrics.

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