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I had woken up but still my eyes were tightly shut, my brain cells are still inactive, my five senses are still dull, I knew I was still breathing but I didn't feel any warmth surrounding me, the kind of warmth my boyfriends cuddling with me could provide. That warmth was lacking. But their voices, I could hear it, it was just faint to my hearing organ.

Why do they sound distant?

I continuously heard "Noona" "Vee" and "Ione" that must be Guk, Tae and Yoongi's voices calling to me but why does it feel so hard to open my eyes or my mouth to answer them? It feels like I am being drowned in the sea of exhaustion, it took over my whole system, it made my five senses even weak to do their job properly, it made it so difficult to move my hands or my legs.

I remember this feeling. Fuck!

It's the fucking fever. It's back. The sickness is back.

No no no no no.

The thought of experiencing that gruesome feeling of the infection that beat me weak to the bone makes me want to throw up. I felt the churn in my stomach as it sent a nauseating feeling up my lungs, ending up in my throat now making my own saliva irritating to me. I needed to let it out, let everything out.

And so I did. But not right away.

The nauseating feeling overtook all my senses, sending me a jolt of energy that coursed through my system, distributing it around my limbs and settling deep within my bones and muscles, at the final feeling of being energised, I shot up from my laying position, my eyes opened wide immediately and I saw three of my boyfriends surrounding me on my soft mattress.

"Ione, you're burning up, how are you feeling?" Yoongi asked with worry laced in his voice, all three foreheads were creased with worry but I couldn't put them at ease with my words because I know the moment I open my mouth to utter any word, that nausea will blow up and erupt the most disgusting watery substance out of my throat. And there was no fucking chance I would decorate their beautiful faces with my vomit.

Not a fucking chance.

So instead of talking, I pointed to my bathroom and immediately got down from the bed and dashed towards it. The speed I used to push open the door and to run to the toilet bowl could match a cheetah's. As I got to the toilet, I kneeled before it and threw out every disgusting nauseated substance out of my system, it didn't take up to five seconds I was throwing up that I felt someone hold up my hair.

"Let it all out dear." I heard Yoongi say behind me as I felt a hand rub my back.

"Ahhh." I breathed as I felt the nausea reduce, that was so painful to my empty stomach.

Vomitting when your stomach is empty is another level of stomach ache.

"Sorry Vee," Tae said to me, "Here, let me help you." He hooked his arms underneath my armpits and pulled me up. I was wearing my silky grey pyjama top and bottom, I love silk fabrics so I have lots in different forms of clothing in my wardrobe.

"Thanks." I say to him as he guided me to the washing basin. My legs felt heavy making each step I took difficult, this feels more intense than the last time I was sick. I just hope it's not a worse infection. I heard the sound of the toilet flushing, looking up into the mirror that was connected to my custom made vanity, I looked so sick with sweats beading my forehead, I could feel my pyjamas soaked with sweats as well. My eyes were sunken, my lips had lost its pinkness, my skin even paler than it was yesterday's afternoon. The make up I used did help bring colour back to my face but now that everything was washed off, it was showing all the flaws this cruel infection brings to my face.

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