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I want to listen to your current favourite song - tell me ☺️

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Remy had stamped his foot down with a vehement shake of his head that Ione was going to eat before anything else. It was the first time ever Ione had witnessed an adamant Remy, one she couldn't convince no matter how crafty or sweet her words were. She just wanted to check up on Prisha but apparently her Doctor wouldn't allow her until she's filled her tummy with deliciousness.

So she simply obeyed after fruitless efforts.

"Aren't we going to the communal lounge?" Ione questioned as Remy grabbed her left wrist and pulled her gently towards the main building where she visited the first time she stepped into this large medical facility that didn't look like one.

"Nope. We're going to my place." He answered her without looking back, "Already told the cook to start preparing something good and appetizing." He added.

"But... isn't your place supposed to be private?" Ione asked, confused on why he's taking her to his personal space. If there was something she had come to notice about the man treating her cancer; he was a private man.

"You are not just a patient, Ione. I hope you know that. You are much more than that." Remy replies, pulling her into the elevator. His expression looked so serious that she didn't bother to argue. And his words made her feel good, it reminded her that outside those seven men that still haunted her dreams and weakened her real life; she still had people that very much cared about her.

She was still loved. And that should be enough. Right?

The elevator opened and revealed a vintage style interior setting of a large living room with a constant touch of dark brown and cream, decorated with beautiful antiques which made her open her mouth in awe, glancing around as she steps into space. It had a good smell that reminded her of him, it was homely even though he's the only one living there but it also looked very expensive. So expensive, she was scared to touch anything.

"This is really stylish and beautiful. You didn't look like the type who loves vintage style." She commented, standing in the middle of the room and watching Remy take off his Doctor coat, hanging it on the coat rack not far from the entrance. She still finds his body size intimidating sometimes especially when he stands next to her and towers her figure.

Just like earlier when he was adamant.

"We sometimes don't look like what we like." He chuckled, his face finally breaking into a smile since they left the emergency room. "I'm guessing you don't know that I also love cute things. My bed is full of fluffy plushies." He laughs even more, taking a seat on one of his brown sofas, patting the space beside him for her to seat.

"That's actually unbelievable." Ione smiled. The lightness and freeness of the conversation made her forget her demons that were randomly rearing their ugly heads into her unstable mind. "Believe it. Maybe one day, I'll show but right now we have to get down to business." Remy says to her, turning his body to face her and Ione could see the seriousness return to his eyes, welling there and letting her understand whatever he wants to talk about, she was going to have to sit through it.

No choice.

"Food?" She asked, hoping his seriousness wasn't about things she wasn't ready to share.

"Ione?" He eyed her, an expression that was new to her from Remy, "You know food is still being prepared. We have to talk about what is going on with you." He said to her.

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