Chapter 1

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2 years later

Lizzie's P.O.V.

Breathe In, Breathe Out.

I stare at the view of the city from my garden as the breeze hits my skin. Its not that cold anymore in LA even during night time which is fine with me. I'm really not fond with the cold anyways. I'm actually in the middle of hosting a house warming party and you might probably be wondering what the hell am I doing here alone. Right, I'm still not good at staying with too many people for a long period of time. So I just need to breathe because my energy is probably at 20 percent right now, its a good thing we already finished dinner.

Well, my mom insisted that I should have a party because I just moved into my new house and I really don't know how to feel about that. I don't know if she wants a party because of my new house or she insisted of having a party in celebration of me getting out of her hair for the first time in two fucking years. Well, the pandemic didn't allow me to move out earlier so basically, its not my own choice I have to stay in longer than I should.

2 years

Has it been that long already? Well, many things happened in that two years. One of the highlight was the Covid-19. That era scared me, I never left my mom's house for months even though they said its already safe to go out. I was like nu-uh, I'm not risking anything. My projects came on one by one though after that and somehow last year was the busiest I have ever been with Wandavision and Doctor Strange lined up. I'm actually still waiting for the next schedule for reshoots of some scenes and so far I don't have news yet but Benedict is still filming some of his scenes because he wasn't able to keep up with the timeline due to fucking Covid.

What else, oh my house. It took two years to build this house, yet again because of the pandemic, but its worth it. I love every bit of it maybe because this place, where it stands is very important to me and holds a special place in my heart. My lips curve into a smile as my hearts starts beating loudly in my chest staring at the familiar view of the city and it makes me wonder.

How is she?

Hmm, I haven't heard anything from her in two years. I'm not in social media anymore due to mental health issues before so I know nothing on what's happening in the world right now or basically her. I know, I should have moved on from us and I'm stupid for still having hopes that maybe, just maybe. I'd see her again and everything follows. I wish it could be that easy, but unfortunately we don't always get what we want in a blink of an eye.

I miss her so much

Maybe that's why I bought the whole lot of our spot and decided to build a house on it. Somehow, it makes me feel closer to her. I know this is really bad and I should just move on. I tried, really. I tried to forget about her and part of that was shutting down my social media, which is a huge part of her since its her way of living, but that did nothing and it just made me miss her more. I even tried to hate her but I can't do that either. I can't hate her for doing what she thinks is good for herself that would be so selfish of me.

Work is a good distraction though, and now I realize why she does it back when we were still together. It really helps but still, its not healthy. So with all of that I just gave up and accept the fact that maybe I will never move on from us. Maybe she had moved on and found someone new and that thought still scares me every time it crosses my mind and I don't know what to feel if that's true enough.

I sighed with a heavy heart to that possibility. Its been two years and I doubt no one would fall for Shannon the way I fell for her. She's one of a kind. Maybe I should wake up to the fact that she and I are just a memory now.
"Then on the 20th you have a Zoom interview with SAG-AFTRA Foundation for WandaVision." Marla trails off with my schedule for the week and as she goes on and on the more her voice fades away in my ear. We're on our way to the MTV Awards for multiple nominations on our show, Wandavision , and I'm so happy about that really. Its touching to know what we do does something to the fans and that is the best and the most important bit of it.

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