Chapter 51

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Lizzie's P.O.V.
I'm fuming. This is what I'm expecting him to do. I don't even know why I decided to fucking show up here. He likes Robbie. That's not a huge secret but finding out I've been cheated by him and still chooses to side on him just doesn't seem to make even the smallest bit of sense. I'm his daughter for god's sake.

"He kissed a girl in a club that's why I left him." I snapped and he just laughs sarcastically.

"That's it?"

"David" I hear Mom warns standing up to her feet too.

"He kissed a random girl at a club and you called it off already. May I ask you was he sober?" I wasn't thinking about Robbie anymore or what he had done in the past because he and I are long over. There's nothing there anymore and this is just fucking ridiculous. "Damn right he's not."

"That doesn't matter anymore. That was two years ago and you know nothing of what I've been through that time."

"Oh come on, he's drunk. It was a drunken kiss, did you even talk to him after you found out."

"Why would I want to fucking talk to him after that?"

"Then what did you do run off? to who? to her?" Shannon stands abruptly beside causing us to stop and turn our attention to her. My heart's beating out of my chest as I noticed something. Something, I haven't seen in two fucking years.

Dark eyes.


"We're going home." She mutters emotionless and that's making me feel worse. She goes to turn around as she takes my hand. Her hands are cold, stiff and a bit shaky and I know that if any moment we're not out of here, I would completely lose her and I can't. I can't do this again with her.

I glanced at Trent who is staring at Shannon. I guess he noticed it too because he looks at me with complete horror in his eyes and as she takes a step towards the door, Dad says.

"She's staying here." I felt her stiffen her grip on my hand tightens quickly as the tension fills me. I start to panic.

"Baby" I whispered moving in front of her and touching her cheek. Her face feels hot and its not good when that happens. She looks at me and my heart stop.

She's not here.

"Trent" I called in panic. "Can you get the car ready please."

"Oh shit, okay." I hear him mutter before disappearing in a flash. I kept my eyes locked with Shannon's. I need to bring her back. This isn't happening anymore.

"Elizabeth Chase Olsen, you are staying here—"I ignored my father as she squeezes my hand again. I stroked her flushed cheek with my thumb ever so gently and whisper.

"Honey, we're going home okay. Do you hear me? I'm coming with you, anywhere you want. Please come back." Her grip loosens as my hand held the side of her face.


"Dad!" I eventually hear Mary Kate snaps which I'm fucking grateful for. This is because of him. He fucking caused this. He didn't changed, I understand he did like Robbie but that doesn't mean our relationship couldn't end just because of that. He fucking cheated and still he's making excuses for that. What the fuck is wrong with him.

"The car's ready" Trent says urgently before getting to Shannon's side. "Is she?" He says breathing heavily and I shake my head as hot tears starts to fill up my eyes. He sighs and nods. "I'll get her to the car. You grab your things, we'll wait for you there."

I nod at Trent before turning back to Shannon and say. "You go ahead to the car with Trent honey. I'm just going to get our things." She nods and lets go. Without a word, she starts walking away with Trent catching up behind her leaving me to deal with my father.

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