Chapter 70

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Author's P.O.V.
"She's here" It was a whisper, almost to the wind. Her eyes moves to her brothers exchanging looks. A knowing look, hearts beating frantically out of their chest. And in an instant, just like a flash of lightning, they're up to their feet yelling Shannon's name in chorus.

Blu and Jim were confused at the same time hopeful, especially Jim. Elizabeth runs up to him holding the bumblebee necklace in her hands gripping it too tight. It was the only thing she can hold on to for dear life.

"What's happening honey?" He says holding onto Elizabeth's shoulders to settle her down and he could understand her properly.

"She— She's here. I found her necklace." But then in an instant she remembers which made her heart races in a bad way, everything fades in black and white. Shannon never did take that necklace off, she wore it all the time. So what in the hell is the necklace doing in her hands.

"What? What is it?" Elizabeth shakes her head frantically thinking the worse. Her head snaps to the raging ocean.

It can't be.

Her throat starts to close up and now she's breathing heavily, her knees feeling like giving up. Everything fades  even her brother still yelling her lover's name, echoing through the sky.

Its not possible

"Lizzie?" Her eyes snaps back to him as he take her in his arms. " Hey, please breathe for me sweetheart."


"She— No, no, no. No she's not dead. She can't be dead."  Her tears pour out as she shakes her head frantically on Jim's chest. Jim was getting scared for that possibility but he, himself refuse to believe that. In desperation, Elizabeth pries herself away from Jim and ran yelling Shannon's name, away from them. The beach stretches for 23 miles and she was fast enough to get as far away as she can without being aware of it. She was too lost trying to find for her other half. She refuses to believe that the ocean might've had her already.

She reaches the rocky side of the beach where the waves are much stronger crashing into the huge rock formation. She hears her name being called but she ignores it, because she only has one purpose here and that is to find her girlfriend sand she won't stop until she had seen her. Her brother yells going for a run as he saw an upcoming huge wave about to crash on his sister's way.

"Lizzie, watch out!" He yells and that's when Elizabeth turns just to be pulled by Trent just in time for the wave to hit her. "God damn it! Can you fucking settle down! You're going to make yourself hurt." Trent yells and Elizabeth breathes heavily, not because of the fact that she was about to get hit by a wave but the various scenario playing in her head. Its concerning, her chest tightens with every breath she releases, her fingers are starting to get fuzzy and knees about to give up so she held on Trent's arm for support.

Panic attack.

"I think you need a time out." Trent says as he holds her stroking her back to calm her down, but what he said didn't help at all, Elizabeth shakes her head once again pushing herself away from her brother and mutters,

"I need to find her." Trent pulls his sister again holding her by the shoulders. He was getting annoyed with her stubbornness. He fully understands what was going on and how Elizabeth must be feeling right now, but she can't let her risk her life too. "Liz, come on"

"I have to find her." Elizabeth looks up to him, strong emotions in her eyes. Fear, grief, loss and the slightest bit of hope, its never he had seen before all at once. "Trent, she can't be dead. She won't do that to me. She needs me right now and I have to be there. I have to see her cause if I don't—" Her lips tremble and a sob escapes from her mouth with a new set of tears pouring down her face, holding onto Trent's chest for some support.

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