Chapter 69

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It's 5 am in the morning and I couldn't sleep. This is the only time everything is sinking in. What the police had said, what Jim said, the fact that were 500 miles away from home.

She needed time to think so she took a walk.

In this case, she took a drive then her car broke and that was it there was no signs of her. Maybe she took a walk. Maybe she walked from her car to a town nearby, its possible. Knowing Shannon and her love for long walks, its really possible. My thoughts starts swirling in my head slowly forming a tornado in my mind and safe to say that at this time of the day, my mind is fully awake. Now flashbacks starts hitting me one by one.

Good morning darling,
By the time you read this, I'm probably at the beach sweating after taking a long walk in the city. Don't worry I'd be back home to you later. I just need time to think.

Its her letter, after the day of the meet and greet in New York. She had a nightmare about Robbie. The time when I kissed Robbie and she found out about it, the morning of that, her clothes have sand on it. She might've gone to the beach.

Good morning sweetheart,
By the time you read this, I'm staring at the sea in front of me. Last night was something, I'm sorry it was a sudden question but I really meant it. Maybe it was too fast but my mind and my heart thinks that we're heading in that direction anyway. I'm not going to lie, but last night hit something, I don't know. Maybe I just need to think clearly. Anyway, be back later. I'm still yours sweetheart, I won't go anywhere I promise.

It was her letter the morning after I turned down her proposal. She always goes to the sea to think and clear her mind. Its either that or our spot back home and she's not there. Where else could she have gone.

I got off the bed unable to stand this. I take my phone and my keys and stormed out of the room and going down to the lobby. I need to know if there's a beach nearby. I just have this strong gut feeling about this and its worth the risk even if its 5 am in the morning and I haven't slept at all.

"Excuse me?" I say making the receptionist turn and faces me with a full smile on her face.

"Hi Ms. Olsen, what can I do for you?" It was a tone that I'm used to when talking to people like her and right now, I don't need that kind of enthusiasm. That's a bit rude for me to think but its the truth. I'm sick of it.

"Yea— uhm. Is there a beach nearby this town?" She pauses and looks at me with a strange look. Well, asking if there's a beach nearby at this hour of the day is really strange, but then again, I don't care.

"There is." A spark of hope lights up. "But you have to pass a few towns to get there. Its by a neighborhood called Shelter Cove in Whitethorn. It takes about 45 minutes or so." 45 minute drive. That's too far for a walk, but fuck it. I'm going there right now.

"Alright, thanks" I walk away not giving her a chance to even reply. I was in a rush, agitated to look and find her myself. Its nearly two fucking days and I've had enough of it. I'm trying not to lose my mind but its hard not too when I have nothing else to hold on to.

The moment I got in my car, I immediately start the engine and navigate Shelter Cove in my phone. Its twenty two miles from where I am and the estimated time was 45 minutes, so the receptionist was right. I texted Trent where I was going before I even started driving out of the hotel parking lot just so he knows where I'm at as soon as he wakes up.

I don't what's ahead of me, will I find her there or not, I don't have a fucking clue but what my heart feels at the moment, is giving me some kind of hope that she's there and with my situation right now, I would take every risk that comes just to find her. I have nothing to lose, she really is all I got.

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