Chapter 16

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We're on our way to the headquarters right now. Elizabeth and I haven't like talked properly since earlier and I'm kind of pissed off because a pap kept asking these questions of me and her as soon as I got out of the van and to my sister's apartment. Casey was there but we didn't have time for a chat so I promise I'll be home tonight for one.

So right now, we are seated on each corner of the van, my AirPods stuck in my ears for quite sometime with Alec Benjamin and Dream's Change My Clothes playing on my playlist. Its not that we're not okay, its just that I think I might be getting too attached to her that I'm forgetting the fact that she is my 'ex' girlfriend and there is in fact a reason for that. They say its my depression, but even though it was, I still left. I left her, just like that. Old Shannon got some nerve to leave a woman like her. She's perfect, maybe too perfect.

She's stunningly beautiful, her jade eyes are big and bright and holds so much emotion in them, I could get lost in every time. Her pouty lips looks so soft and irresistible, her cute nose and her laugh, Oh God I love her laugh. Its addicting. How she worries a lot and when I hold her or like just give her a hug, my body just automatically melts in her arms like a warm blanket in the winter. So cozy and she really feels like home.

I can feel my lips growing into a smile as I look out the window letting the scenery pass right before my eyes without processing it. Well, I'm day dreaming about her and we're like 4 feet away from each other. But to tell you the truth, I'm still bothered about the tension growing between us. I want to just cut it off go sit beside her and talk to her like I use to talk to her before, if I have that amount of courage that is. But I ask myself if I would let that fear take over then there is a huge possibility that I will regret doing it and that is worse than facing a rejection you won't even know that will happen. Maybe I should go over there.

I took a quick glance at her and see her staring out of the window with a blank expression on her face and I hate that really. Her smile is too beautiful to hide it away from anyone. Should I go for it? You know what, fuck it.

I got up from my seat and sat beside her taking off one of my AirPods. She turns her head to look at me with a questionable look on her face before sitting up straight.

"Want one?" I smiled handing her an AirPod. She looks at it for a second making my hands sweaty and my heart beat fast in my chest, but when she takes it and put it on, relief washes over me. See, its really not so bad is it? Suddenly, in an unexplainable coincidence, I Want to Hold Your Hand comes playing. What the fuck?

I felt my face heat up as I fight the urge to actually turn to look at her but I failed and slowly glanced at her seeing a smile on her face and that made me feel at ease until she turns her head and caught my gaze. I immediately avert my eyes pass her pretending I was looking out the window. She smiles and shakes her head making me grin. Okay that made my heart skipped a beat. I think we're good.

We sit here side by side not speaking but not like awhile ago, The tension was gone replaced by random songs playing on my playlist. I don't even know if she likes them or not but sometimes I would catch her bobbing her head with it which is adorable of her, then she would blush whenever I catch her doing it. There was a comfortable silence between us and that's better than the deafening silence we had earlier. Jake was even giving me looks asking what was happening but I just shrugged at him not knowing the answer to that.

"We're here" Jake says as we came to a stop in front of a huge building. Elizabeth gives me back my AirPod as I take off mine putting them back into its case and shoving it into my back pack before I got out. I wait for Elizabeth and help her out as well earning a smile from her. 

"So Jake are you coming in?" I asked.

"Yea, just gonna gather the team and have a little huddle then I'll catch up with you later on." I nod and gave him a fist bump. I look around as Elizabeth and I started to the entrance which is so familiar to me. Well maybe because Jarnie said I've done photoshoots here before for the twins and I still haven't asked Elizabeth about that.

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