Chapter 17

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We've been shooting all day and Shannon's shots are twice as good as before. The twins are loving each one of them and its making it harder for us to pick the best one. They're all amazing. Shannon kept her distance but kept glancing at me and every time I would catch her, which is all the time, she would give me a smile and just looks away. I know I'm being a total bitch to her right now, but my head is all over at the place at the moment and I just need some space from her. But I have to admit, her hoodie is so comfortable, I love it.

"Last shots then we can wrap it up, Go" Mary Kate says to Shannon which she follows immediately jogging to the shooting area leaving us three alone. Mary Kate sighs quite stressed about this.

"Her shots are fucking perfect its so hard to choose, I want them all published but that's not possible." Ashley nods in agreement.

"Well, at least there aren't any bad ones, whatever we choose its still gonna be good." We go over the shots again but then new ones are coming in again and that tells me she's in action again. I take my usual spot in between monitors and watch her. I've been doing this since she started taking pictures and fortunately the twins haven't noticed what I was doing or else they would be teasing the shit out of me.

She still looks so hot when she works, still has that serious charming face and hell she looks so fit. Does she goes to the gym this time or still take long walks? Either way she looks hot.

"Liz can you look at this." I snapped out of my daze and turn to look at Ashley silently cursing her for interrupting my show. I look at the shots and saw two almost similar shots but perfect in every angle.

"Choose one." Well they are both perfect but the other really shows the details and accessories of the suit in frontal view, so I point my photo of choice and Ashley agrees

" Well they are both perfect but the other really shows the details and accessories of the suit in frontal view, so I point my photo of choice and Ashley agrees

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I return my gaze on her in between the monitors and caught a glimpse of the scar. It is totally visible even at far distance. Shannon never told me about the accident but Trent did and I was horrified. She was having black outs and it just gotten worse to the extent that she almost died. The thought of that instantly brings a lump in my throat. I couldn't imagine getting a call from whoever it is that she didn't make it that day. Maybe my depression would've gotten worse then.

"Let your guard down little sis." I hear Ashley says snapping my head towards her who raised her brows at me. Fuck! She caught me staring. I cleared my throat as I try to compose myself but I can already feel the heat rising up to my ear at the embarrassment of being caught checking out my 'ex' girlfriend.

"Here, go and choose some photos to keep your mind off things. I'm going to check on them." Before I could say anything, she goes to stand and leave. As usual, I'm stuck doing my only job here at the headquarters and that is to help them with their decision making, whether if its patterns, colors, pictures or designs. Sometimes they would give it some rest when I'm too busy with work but most of the time, they would get my schedule from Marla and just hijack me from my apartment whenever it is possible.

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