Chapter 43

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Elizabeth has been zoning out al throughout a twelve hour flight. She's unresponsive and kept picking at her nails that I have to literally hold her hand just to stop her and it was torture seeing her like that. She's somewhere else not here with me and it was actually scaring me. Maybe she and I need to talk to Joan.

We've finally land in Italy and its already 8 in the evening.  A twelve hour flight is pretty exhausting and I don't like it, I really hate flying at all. Our security is more tighter this time than before. Maybe because of what happened earlier so basically everything went smoothly. As soon as we got in the car, Elizabeth takes out her phone and dial a number and I assume its Joan's. She looks at me and returns her hand in mine which is a good sign for me letting me know she's not dissociating completely.

I let her take the call drowning out her voice in my head and focus my attention to the sceneries and the classic Renaissance architecture here in Italy and to be honest I'm dying to get my camera and take shots of these because these buildings are so damn beautiful. The domes, sculptures imprinted on walls, pillars and columns standing still, the lights giving them a museum display look on them, its like I'm living in ancient times and I fucking love it. In desperation to take a picture I struggle to get my phone in my body bag with one hand since the other is with Elizabeth's and I wouldn't risk taking it from her. I started snapping photos as we pass by architectural structures, people walking in the streets until it changes to a widespread of trees with the dark blue  color of the Mediterranean Sea peaking through their gaps and the moonlight giving them a nice shimmer. My jaw drop at the sight and somehow forgetting that my girlfriend is currently in a call, I turn to her.

"Baby! Look at the sea!" I say a little too loud tugging her hand like a little girl gesturing her to look at the view. She smiles and nods before going back to her call. Right, she's busy. But damn that's so beautiful, I swear before this day ends, I will walk down by the beach and just enjoy the serene ambiance of it. It feels so relaxing just by looking at it. I continue to snap pictures like a tourist on a tour bus. I really wish I could have my camera with me
right now.

"Sweetheart, can we go to the beach later please?" I asked before turning to her. I don't think she heard me though because she's still in a deep conversation with Joan which is starting to bum me out so I just turn my head and stare out the window again. I need her fucking attention. But damn, she needs that call. I know it. Ugh, is it possible to just stop my flashbacks while we're on vacation? Fucking paparazzi triggered this thing again when all I wanted was to support my girlfriend for her achievement and also to hit the reset button after everything that had happened these past few weeks.

A few moments later we enter an expensive luxurious resort and hell this is on another fucking level of treatment. God, this place costs a fucking fortune and we're staying here? We pulled up by the front and a valet opened the door for us. I smiled and thank him before turning around to help my lady out of the car who successfully got off the phone as well.

"Thanks honey." The first thing she said to me since we got into our flight going here. She breathes before looking around, a small smile playing on her lips. A van suddenly pulls over behind us and I believe that's her team along with the rest of the security. "This place is beautiful." her smile grew and I guess that talk with Joan really made her feel a little bit better. Before I could even say anything, a good looking man in a neat looking uniform walked towards us with a full bright smile on his face.

"Buon pomeriggio e benvenuto! Good afternoon and welcome to Forte Village Resort." He greets enthusiastically and I smile just staring at him as Elizabeth moves closer to me a grin plastered on her face and she's looking at him too. "We have our staff to assist you with your things, so please follow me so we could check you in to your room already." He gestured us to follow him but before that, I need to entrust Jake with my camera bag. So I called out to him making him look up to me.

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