Chapter 22

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Shannon's P.O.V.
"Got everything?" She says as I close up the trunk. I nod and smiled at her. As planned we're here at the beach at six in the morning. I know its a bit too early and I'm surprised that Elizabeth manages to wake me up at this hour of the day. Well there are some good sides of it though. We can find the right spot that is invisible to the public eye which is rather impossible the more I think about it, but we can always try. Also most people are lazy to get up and go to the beach at six in the morning, I guess , and lastly, the sun is not yet that high to get for us to get sunburn.

Elizabeth clings to my arm as we started walking. She's wearing a cute little sun hat, those huge sun glasses, denim shorts and an oversized dress shirt with a swimsuit underneath. She told me she's not a fan of the beach because she's afraid of the ocean which is not odd, that happens. Well, I love the beach really it brings some kind of peace and quiet in my mind. A tranquility of life. Maybe that's why she told me I always go here yo clear my head. n

We found a little spot a hidden from the growing crowd. Weekend is almost approaching so I'm expecting people will come later through the day. I lay down the beach blanket and put down the cooler and the tote bag that carry things like sunscreen, beach towel, flip flops, my camera and sandwiches that Elizabeth made early this morning.

"Mm, this is nice honey." She smiles as we sat down the sheet. The cool wind is blowing with the smell of ocean breeze and waves are gently crashing to the shore. It is really nice.

"Yea" I whispered breathing deeply before looking at her. She's staring at the ocean in front of us a small smile on her face and its making my heart skip a beat. She's beautiful, stunning with or without make up, it doesn't matter and I'm lucky to have her. I really am falling in love with this woman more and more every single day.

"Want to go for a walk?" I asked and she turns to me still wearing those huge sunglasses on. She smiles and looks around quite cautious on that idea so I say "Its alright, I'm with you." She settles down and sighs.

"What about our stuff?"

"I'll get my camera and we'll leave the rest behind. I'm sure they're safe here." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Alright then" She nods, my smile grew wide as I turn and get my camera in the bag before getting up to my feet leaving my flip flops to the side of the bag. I helped Elizabeth up dusting the sand off her leg. She then takes off her hat covering our stuff with it before wrapping her arm around mine as we start to walk away.

"Tell me the times I went here" I say taking her hand in mine lacing our fingers together before looking at her.

"Well" She paused trying to remember a certain event. "You were having nightmares about Robbie, I think and it was messing with your head. You went out one morning and I found your letter on the bedside table when I woke up. You said you needed time to think so you went for a long walk to the beach. I was worried for you that I kept reading your letter for ten minutes wondering what's on your mind." She sighs sadly before looking up to me. "Before I called you on the phone and made you come back. That's the only time you talked to Joan about your nightmares."

"These nightmares, what are they about?" She hesitates. I know how hard it is to go back to that time but for some reason, I needed to know. I placed a soft kiss on top of her head making her look up to me.

"Its okay, tell me." I say and she sighs.

"You were getting too affected with the tabloids of us having some kind of affair which is all lies. All nightmares were the same, Robbie would attack you and somehow you felt like you've lost because everything Robbie is saying is getting to your head. It would finish off with Robbie getting to me. That's all you told me." Hmm, I was that bad? Hearing that from a new and different kind of perspective makes me conclude that maybe I really did felt guilty of our relationship. Then she keeps on telling me that I didn't home wreck their relationship then why are there rumors about an affair. Then a question poos into my head.

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