Chapter 8

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Lizzie's P.O.V.
"Thanks Jake, I'll see you tomorrow." I say as I pull away from him. He smiles at me comfortingly before giving me a nod.

"I'll see you tomorrow Lizzie." He waves as I walked in my apartment and went off leaving a smile to my face while I closed the door. Jake has been like a brother to me since we got closer because of Shannon. He kept their routines having a regular huddle before an important event or just a regular day with me. Actually, my team had been split into two. Half of the team is with me and the other half is with my sisters, sometimes we switch teams but Jake is the only constant on my side of the team.

I'm currently here in New York since I have two weeks off from work. I have some virtual interviews but I can always do that here and besides the twins' birthday is coming up so I might as well plan for that, maybe a dinner or a little get together, I don't know yet. I'm gonna have to ask Trent when he gets here in three days with mom.

I let out a tired sigh as I slumped down on the couch. I visited the twins at the headquarters today. They are currently having plans going on about the Spring Collection coming this October so they're pretty busy earlier. I got to have my share of ideas too because they kept asking about my opinion on the designs they've worked on so my day turned out to be very productive.

After that, we went for dinner and basically discussed about the collection and how the day went. I was into the conversation until out of the blue, Ashley asks about Shannon and the photo going around the tabloids with her and Scarlett in it, saying lies about something romantically going on with them and it just makes me sick. Its Shannon's nature to be chivalrous and protective to every one she's with, that's just how she is. So a hand in Scarlett's back and the gapless space between them doesn't mean something's going on, even though they're making it look like it, It's just her way of protecting her company from a possible danger or mainly from the paparazzi. And besides, Scarlett has a fucking husband for god's sake.

Anyway, I acted like I didn't care and that I'm moving on. Well, that's what they wanted me to do and surprisingly they believed that. I must sound very convincing earlier for them to be relieved that I said that. I didn't told them anything else after that and just divert it to another different subject. To tell the truth, I'm at a crossroads right now, about Shannon. After what Scarlett said to me, about Shannon not remembering her life two years ago where 'us' happened is like a sign that maybe I should let go of her and continue moving on from her. It still hurts thinking about it. That to her, we never really existed.

Seeing that picture with her and Scarlett outside the restaurant makes me wonder when was the last time I've seen her that healthy and that's all I really wanted for her. That also made me realize that maybe our relationship before was really the thing that's been destroying her. Its sad because its true.

I let out a heavy sigh as I pulled my phone out of my purse. I remembered, I need to send the twins a text that I'm home safely and for some reason it was mandatory for me to do this and I've been doing it for two years now. Its like my family had gone overprotective of me since the break up and that at least one of them knows where I'm at. It's really annoying but I really can't blame them, I really have no one 24/7 who can protect me from anything besides Jake and my security and they're not always around so I try to just live with it.

I opened my phone and saw a text message from Mary Kate and Ashley asking me where I was. Another from Trent sending me the details of their flight on Thursday morning and asking how my day was which is kinda sweet of him. I also have text messages from Marla, for my zoom interview with Kaley Cuoco tomorrow for Variety, and Scarlett still asking about you know who.

I replied to all messages except for Scarlett's. It's not that I don't want to, I just don't what to say to her. I'm still confuse at everything at the moment. I want to say that, maybe it is what it is and the universe just doesn't think that there is still a chance for us, friends nor lovers. But I can't seem to bring myself to say that to her knowing she now probably is friends with Shannon so I leave it be.

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