Chapter 44

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We just arrived at the venue for the press conference and as usual, Elizabeth instructed Jake to be with me while she works which is fine really. Jake's really a good company and we get along great so that's cool he's better rather than staying with Marla. Elizabeth's been talking to her and Tiziana for quite some time now because we're the first one to arrive here and all while I kept taking pictures of everything I see, mostly her. She's just that gorgeous.

"This is great just like Comic Con boss" I froze upon hearing that. Comic Con, here we go again.What the fuck happened in Comic Con? I'm tired of this really. I'm going to have to tell him about it. The truth. Well, he's our security and Elizabeth seems to fully trust her and he's a great friend really. I know Elizabeth might be worried about this or mad about it but this is driving me insane. I can't always pretend I know something that I've completely don't have any clue on. It hurts my fucking brain. So I pulled him to the side away from the others and to a much more secluded area.


"Shh, I need to tell you something, but you have to promise me you'll keep this as a secret okay. Its very important." His brows furrow, but I must've had a serious face on for him to nod his head in agreement. "I'm being serious okay, and don't freak out." He nods again leaning closer this time.

"I have amnesia." I whispered as quietly as I can that only him could hear it. I held my breath as he stared at me with an empty face and it took a while before I could even get a reaction from him and its the one I'm actually expecting. He started to chuckle softly maybe trying to see if I'm fooling around but I kept a straight face.

"Boss I don't-"

"I'm being serious Jake. I had an accident two years ago. Where did you think I got this from?" I say pointing on the deep scar on my shoulder and on my head. His eyes widens and I think he's starting to realize it. " I also have one on my leg."

"What the fuck? Is that why you're looking so surprised when I gave you a hug the first time we saw each other after two years?"

"Yea, I don't know who you were. Elizabeth said we were close but I don't have any memory of it. I thought you were Elizabeth's boyfriend for god's sake." I watch as he takes it all in and it was taking a while so I wait. When he is not responding I touched his arm making his head snap towards me.

"I know its a lot to take in but I'm just tired of coping with everyone and pretending that I know shit of what they're talking about like what you said, Comic Con. I don't know what the fuck happened in that event."

"Hey boss, I believe you. Its just, well you're the same Shannon I used to know. Maybe that's why I haven't figured it out earlier. But I can't deny you're acting weird sometimes." I sighed at the sad and shocked look on his face. Its really is something that will show as a  ridiculous truth to others but its the truth and I can't change that. "I'm really sorry boss. That must've been terrible."

"Hey, I had a second chance and I'm still here. Even though I never imagined in my second life that I will have Elizabeth as my girlfriend. That's just mind blowing." I say giving him a small nudge on the arm lightening the situation a bit. He smiles sadly so I nudged him again and say. "Dude stop it, I'm okay and in a better place right now so its cool, I just wanted to tell you that. I just need to tell someone."

"What do you mean?" I sighed and looked at my camera my mind contemplating on how should I answer that question. Well I guess the truth?

"Elizabeth knows, Scarlett and Kathryn, my family and her family and there's you and Joan. You're the only ones that know the truth. Elizabeth doesn't like talking about it or letting the public know. I don't know why and I keep trying to understand it but sometimes, its just hard to pretend really. I suck at lying to people."

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