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Charan's POV

I frown , opening my eyes. I then look over to Kanin who was fast asleep beside me. I smile slightly , placing my arm on his petite waist. I kissed his neck making him hum in his sleep. He then turned around, opening his eyes sleepily.

"Good morning, your highness .." I said , caressing his hair making him smile.

"Good morning Charan .." he whispered.

"Did you have a good sleep ?" I asked.

"Did you dream about me ?" I asked making him giggle.

"I didn't dream of anything .." he answered. He then fidgeted , trying to push my hand away slightly.

"Hia .. you can let go of me now~" he whine making me tighten my grip around me.

"Give me a kiss first .." I said making him pout , hiding his face on my chest.

"Mai aow ( I don't want ) ..." he whine.

"Give me a kiss first~" I said.

"Or else we won't eat breakfast .. I'll just eat you as my breakfast .." I said making him look at me.

"Aow , is that how you treat your prince ?" He asked making me chuckle. He burst a smile that could warm my heart instantly. He then placed a gentle peck on my lips making me smile warmly. I then took a chance to peck his lips again making him hum in surprise.

"Hia .." he giggled as I placed small pecks all over his face making burst out into laughter.

End of flashback

Zee's POV

"Hiaaa~ stop~" I frown shaking my head.

"Kanin love Charan na .."

I gasped , opening my eyes as I breathed hard. I gulped my saliva , sitting up as I look around. I touch the bridge of my nose , frowning. I got out of my bed , walking towards the window. I pulled the curtain open , letting the sun come in. I grabbed my towel , walking towards the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and soon look down to my huge birthmark on the left side of my stomach. I touch it and sigh. I washed my face with cold water , looking at the mirror.

"This dreams I am getting every night ... what does it mean .." I thought.

"Kanin .." I said. I wore my blazer , walking down the stairs.

"Good morning Sir .." said the maid , Maria , bowing.

"Is the prince awake ?" I asked as she nod.

"He is out at the back , near the lake ... it seems like he took angel out for a walk .." she said.

"Thank you Maria .." I said as she bowed before excusing myself.

Nunew's POV.

I look at Angel , my beautiful white horse. I caress her mane gently. I smile , looking at her warmly. Angel then neigh , stopping her legs as a sign that someone is approaching. I turned seeing Zee walking towards me.

"Your highness .." he said as he bowed.

"You made angel scared .." I said , stroking her mane , calming her down.

"I didn't mean to scare her .." he said as I chuckled. He looked at angel as I look at him.

"Do you want to touch her ?" I asked. He look at me as I smile slightly.

"May I ?" He asked making me nod. I held her saddle , tugging it making her walk forward. Zee looked at me before slowly moving his hand towards Angel but Angel then neigh making him pull back his hand. I pat Angel , chuckling.

"She's not familiar with you .." I said.

"You need to let her know that you're harmless .." I said grabbing his wrist.

"Trust me." I said as he sigh , putting his hand out. I then slowly placed it on Angel's head. Angel stood there and soon move forward wanting more pat. I let go of Zee's wrists as Zee look at me panicked. I nod as he then caress Angel's mane with his other hand.

"Looks like Angel likes you .." I said as he chuckled , stroking Angel. I watch as Zee caress Angel.

"This is Victoria .. my one and only beauty .." He said as he stroke the horse's mane. I smile watching Charan , talk to his horse. Charan then turned to me shooting his warm smile.

I frown , looking at Zee who was smiling fondly at Angel.

"Your highness .." me and Zee turned to see Max.

"Your father , he is here .." he said as I nod.

"Max , take angel .." I ordered as he nodded , bowing. I look at Zee as he nod. I walked towards the house with Zee following from behind.

We walked into the living room to see father. He turned to me as Zee bowed to him.

"What do you want ?" I asked.

"I want to talk to you." He answered. I then look over to Zee.

"Leave us .." I said as Zee bowed slightly , leaving the room.

"I don't know why you are here when there's nothing to talk about." I said coldly.

"I know you are still mad at me about what happened a few nights ago .." he said.

"Nhu , you have to understand that we have no other choice .." he said.

"What ? To sell one of the last thing that reminds us of mother ?" I asked.

"Father , mother worked hard to own that property , you can't just sell it away." I said.

"And what ? Leave it as it is ? Son , even if I sell her property away , she's still in our hearts .." he said.

"Mother would not want you to do that." I said.

"Son ..." he said as I shook my head.

"Father , you act like Mother is gone. She is still here. I can still feel her around." I said.

"Son .. I know you can never move on from your mother's death .. but she would want you to grow .." he said.

"And what ? Take over your place ? I don't have interest in taking your place father." I said and he sigh.

"That is what your mother would want you to do .." he said before getting up. He then placed a few letters on the table.

"Here are the guest lists for the families who are invited to annual ball .." he said before walking out of the room. The guards bow down to him as he walk pass. I sigh , plopping down on the chair.

Zee's POV

The king walked out of the room as I stood up straight.

"Your highness .." I said , bowing as he pat my back.

"Zee .." he said.

"Walk with me will you .." he said as he walked. I followed him outside.

"So how are things going son ?" He asked.

"It's all good Your highness .." I said.

"I hope my son hasn't been giving you a hard time .." he said making me chuckle , shaking my head.

"I was trained to face challenges sir .." I said making him chuckle.

"I am glad that I made you his bodyguard.." he said.

"I used to worry about him .. ever since the death of his mother , I felt like I lost him too .." he said.

"But I know with your help , you can at least protect him .. and lead him back to the right path .." he said.

"So please ..help me support and protect my son .." he said as he pat my back.

"I'll do my best , your highness .." I said.

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