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Zee's POV

I watch as the prince eat the food I made. He looked at me making me chuckle.

"Are you just going to watch me eat ?" He asked with his mouth full. I smile slightly , grabbing a napkin , wiping the corner of his mouth.

"You eat like a baby .." I said making him roll his eyes.

"So what's your plan after this ?" I asked , sipping my coffee. He hum as he think. Suddenly a smirk appeared on his face.

"Lets drink .." he said making me frown.

"Drink ?" I asked.

"Yep , I heard that my dad gave us wine , so let's drink .." he said.

"Come on , please ... Nat is not at home , this is my chance to taste fine wine .." he pleaded making me sigh.

"Fine , we'll drink a little .." I said as he cheered happily like a kid. I shook my head as he continued to eat.

Nunew's POV

I poured the wine into our glass as I smile. I then hand Zee one of the glass as I held one. I took a whiff , sighing happily as I smell the rice grape scent.

"Cheers .." I said as he clinked his glass on mine.

"Cheers .." he said as we took a sip. I sigh , smiling as I leaned back.

"The wine taste amazing .." I said as Zee nod.

"That picture is beautiful .." he said , looking at a direction. I look at the picture he was looking and soon realized it was a picture of me and mother.

"That was on my 19th Birthday ..." I said.

"Mother looked so pale in that picture .." I said looking at it.

"That was my last birthday with her .." I said as Zee look at me. I look at my glass before drinking my wine.

"You know my mom , she used to tell me a stories every night .. but there's one story that I love a lot .." I said , smiling to myself.

"What was that story about ?" He asked as I poured more wine into my glass. I then took a sip before continuing.

"It was story about two people .. a prince .. and his bodyguard .." I said.

Zee's POV

I look at him as he told the story.

"A prince .. fell in love with his bodyguard unexpectedly .. I mean who would expect it , two young men , falling in love .." He said , taking a sip.

"They were happy , they were in love .." He said , smiling.

"Until one tragic day , the party was under attack .. and on that day , the prince lost his lover .." He said.

"The prince was too hurt and couldn't bare to be alone that he decided to follow his lover .." he continued as I look at my glass.

"Mother said that on the day of their funeral , a red thread was tied to their pinkies .. and legend says that one day , they will reincarnate and find each other .." He said as I look at him. He chuckled , drinking his wine.

"It's a bittersweet story but it's my favorite .." he said.

"It's like love .. it's such a powerful thing .. And one day , I want to experience that ..." he said.

"Maybe you can .." I said as he look at me.

"No one .. can love me .." he said.

"Ever since Mother left , I felt hopeless .. I felt like no one understands how I feel ..." he said softly.

"Many love me for who my father built me as .. but they don't see who I really am .. I am not a person like my father .. who's into all this royalty .." he said as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I've always felt that I can never be loved .. and that I am just a disappointment in everyone's eyes ..." He said as I shook my head.

"You were never a disappointment to anyone .." I said as he look at me. I wiped away his tears , caressing his red cheeks.

"People might not see you as who you really are ..." I said.

"But I .. I see you .." I said as he look at me.

"And .. I like .. every version of you .." I said as tears stream down his face. I wiped his tears and my eyes slowly went down to his lips. I slowly leaned in , closing the gap in between us. I close my eyes , placing my lips on his gently. My hand went to his nape , pulling him closer as he clutched my shirt tightly.

After a while , I came back to my senses , pulling away as he then plopped his head down on my shoulder. I breathe hard , looking down to the prince who was fast asleep on my shoulder. I sigh , placing his glass on the table before hook my hand under his legs. I carried him up , bridal style , walking out of the living room. I walked towards his room , placing him on the bed as I pulled the sheets up to cover his body. I then sat beside him , caressing his head.

"I'm sorry for not holding back .." I whispered before planting a kiss on his forehead. I then got up , leaving the room.

- next day -

Nunew's POV

"Charan ! Wake up !!"

"Don't leave me ! Please !! Wake up !!"

"Charan !!!!"

I gasp , opening my eyes as I breathed hard. I gulped my saliva down , touching my temple. I then sat up and soon a sharp pain hits my head. I groan , holding my head.

"Urgh , my head ... I hate hangovers .." I thought. I then soon realized I was in my room. I gasp and my eyes widened.

"What happened last night ?!" I thought.

"I see you .." he said before wiping my tears away.

The next thing I know , he placed his lips on mine gently making me close my eyes , clutching his shirt.

"Did me and Zee ... kissed ?!" I gasp , covering my mouth.

"No impossible .. I know I didn't kissed him !" I said as I then touch my lips.

"No ! No way !" I said as I then quickly got out of bed but soon sat back down as my head was throbbing.

"Urgh , hangover .." I said before walking out of the room slowly. I held the railing as I walked down the stairs. I look around the house not seeing Zee around. I walked into the dining room and sigh in relief.

"At least he is not here .." I said.

"Your highness .." I jumped in shock , turning to see Zee. I then groan , touching my head.

"Yah ! You scared me !" I said as he look at me.

"Having a hangover I see .." he said as I glare at him.

"Take a seat while I heat up some soup .." he said as I sat down , watching him disappear into the kitchen.

"Does he not know what happened last night ?" I asked myself.

After a while , he came back with a bowl of soup. He sat beside me as I look at him.

"This soup is great for hangovers .." he said.

"Zee .." I said , building up the courage to ask him.

"Nothing happened last night , am I right ?" I asked as he look at me.

"Don't tell me you forgot ?" He asked.

"Shit. Don't tell me .. that we actually ki-."

"We kissed." He said straightforwardly, cutting off my thoughts.

 𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 [ ZNN FF ]Where stories live. Discover now