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- flashback -

Charan's POV

I sat down as the King sigh.

"Is it true you are seeing my son ?" He asked.

"Yes your highness.." I answered , earning another sigh. He then got up , grabbing a envelope. He then placed it on the table , sliding it towards me.

"This money should be enough." He said making me confused.

"There's about a 100 million baht in it .." he said.

"If you want to take the money. Break up with my son." He said making me look at him. I look at the envelope , grabbing it. I then look at the King before placing the envelope back onto the table , pushing it towards the king.

"Thank you for the offer , your highness , but I don't think I can accept it." I said.

"I love your son , your highness. He is so much worthy than money." I said as he looked at me.

"Aren't you embarrassed ? By what people will think and say about you both ? By what people would say about you , a bodyguard who's dating a prince." He asked.

"Two guys , in a relationship." He said.

"What people think and say about me .. because that will never change how I feel towards the prince , your highness .." I said.

"It doesn't matter whether it's a guy .. a girl .. it doesn't matter what gender or skin colour he or she is .. what matters is the love between the both of them , your highness." I said.

"Love is stronger than anything ... love is love .." I continue.

"Your highness , I know you will never accept the relationship .. but I am going to proof to you that I am capable of protecting and loving your son." I said.

"I'll prove to you till one day , you'll be able to accept me." I said. I then got up , bowing respectfully before walking out of the room , leaving the King not saying anything.

- end of flashback -

Zee's POV

"I am sorry for lying to you Zee.." said the king.

"It's okay , your highness .. I understand why you didn't want to tell the truth ... it's because you were afraid if something like this would happen .." I said as he pat my back.

"Kuea .." we turned seeing Nhu's grandfather , Mr Wang , who was being push by Max. I bowed respectfully as he nod.

"I would like to speak to Zee alone if that's okay .." Said Mr Wang as the king nod. Max looked at me , nodding before the both of them left the room.

"Please , take a seat .." he said as I did what told.

"After seeing you .. you look exactly like Charan ... I didn't believe Kuea after telling me that you look exactly like Charan ..." he said.

"Charan .. he is you .. am I right ?" He asked and I nod.

"And Nhu .. my grandchild .. he is Kanin .." he said and I nod.

"You know ... as time past .. I would still regret my actions ..words .. And I kept blaming myself for the death of my son and his lover .." he said.

"That night is still fresh in my mind .. like it didn't leave even if years passed .." he said.

- flash back -

Kanin's POV

"Your highness , you have to get to a safe place !" Said Foei as he held my wrist tightly as we rush to a safe place.

"I can't leave Charan alone !" I said.

"It's the king orders !" He said. I then saw his pistol in his gun holder. I grabbed it , pushing his hand away making him turn.

"Your highness !!" He shouted as he then was pushed due to the crowd. I push through the crowd , running towards the ballroom. My eyes widened seeing a lot of the guards and attackers on the ground , dead. I then breathe hard seeing a guy , strangling Charan by the neck. I breathe hard , lifting the pistol as I then pulled the trigger, letting out a huge noise as I shoot the guy.

The guy loosened his grip around Charan's neck , falling on the ground as blood leaked through his gunshot wound. I looked at Charan as he breathed hard. I smile , walking towards him. He staggered towards me slowly and soon dropped onto his knees making my eyes widened.

"Charan !" I shouted , holding him tightly against me as I lay his head on my lap. He groan , holding his stomach making me look down. I gasp , seeing blood coming out from his stomach. I held his bleeding stomach , trying to stop the bleeding as tears stream down my face.

"No .. No ! Please !" I sobbed as Charan breathed hard , gasping for air.

"No ... Charan .. please .." I cried as I shook my head. He slowly lifted up his hand that was covered in blood , placing it on my cheek as I shook my head , sobbing. I held his hand that was against my cheek , not caring whether there's blood or not. He wiped my tears away , shaking his head.

"I am sorry ... for everything .." he whispered as I cried , shaking my head as I caressed his cheek.

"Charan .." I sobbed.

"I am happy ... that I get .. to l-love you .." he whispered making me cry even more.

"I love you .. Kanin .. A-Asawathin .." he whispered.

"I love you too .. please .. don't leave me .." I cried as tears rolled down his cheeks. He smile , closing his eyes and soon his hand that was on my cheek dropped as his chest stopped rising. I froze , looking at him.

"Charan ?" I asked , shaking him gently.

"Charan ? No .." I breathed hard , cupping his cheeks as I shook my head.

"Charan ! No ! Wake up ! Please !" I cried loudly , trying to wake him up. I cried , shaking my head as I hugged him tightly , kissing the top of his head. I cried hard , not believing everything that has happened.

I held his hand as I gently placed his head on the floor. I kissed his knuckles as tears rolled down my cheeks. I look at his pale face , caressing his hand gently. I then saw a knife next to him. I grabbed the knife with my shaking hands , looking at Charan.

"I can't live without you .. Charan .. I just c-can't .." I whispered.

"If they don't accept us together here .. then I don't want to be here .. without you .." I cried softly. I then touched my ring that Charan gave me , taking it off. I clutched it in my hand.

"Let's be together .. forever .." I whispered before lifting the knife up. I then stabbed myself deeply in the stomach. I close my eyes , feeling the immense pain. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I opened my eyes , pulling the knife out as blood poured out. I laid down beside Charan's body , facing him. I held his hand tightly as I then felt weak. Soon everything slowly started fading making me close my eyes as a tear escaped from my eyes. Soon a bright light was all I could see.

"Charan ... Let's be together ..forever .."

- end of flashback -

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