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Nunew's POV

I sigh happily as I rode Angel. Zee held the saddle , leading Angel to walk.

"A beautiful day isn't it .." I said as he chuckled , nodding.

"The house is so quiet today .." I said , looking at the house from a distance.

"You know , on days like this , me and my mother would go horse riding , just the two of us .." I said smiling.

"She would ride the wind with Angel .." I said , stroking Angel's mane.

"Angel was mother's girl .. Mother adored her .." I said as he nod.

"But ever since Mother became sick .. Angel didn't had anyone to be with .. so mother gave me to her .. she didn't like it at first because she wasn't used to my smell .. but as time passed , we became best friends .. right angel ?" I asked making her neigh. I giggled , stroking her mane lovingly.

"The queen is a nice person .." He said making me look at him.

"Even though I only met her once .." he continued.

"You met mother before ?" I asked and he hum.

"I met her when she was getting really sick .." he said.

"Aow so that means .. you were there during her funeral ?" I asked and he look at me , nodding.

"Mother's .. funeral .." I said.

- flash back -

Me and Father kneeled down in front of Mother's picture. Father then lit up the candle. Tears rolled down my cheeks as father hand me a candle. I lit it up , closing my eyes as I did my prayers. I clutch the candle , sobbing softly. I then placed it in front of mother's picture.

We greet the guests as they walked in to pay respect to Mother. Nat looked at me as he then pulled me into a hug gently. I sobbed in his arm as he pat my back , calming me down.

Everyone then take turns , saying their farewell to Mother's coffin. Father looked at me before going towards the coffin first. I was the last one to do so. After Father was done , he looked at me , nodding. I walked towards the coffin , placing a white rose on it before touching it.

"Mae .. Nhu is sorry .." I said.

"I am sorry that I couldn't keep my promise to protect you ..." I sobbed.

"But Mae .. you don't have to worry na ... Nhu will be okay ... you don't have to feel any pain anymore .. so rest in peace na .." I cried. I then leaned my forehead against the coffin , crying hard.

"I love you .. so so much ..." I sobbed hard.

- end of flashback-

I sigh as the silence engulfed the both of us.

"Then what about you ?" I asked , breaking the silence.

"You seem to know all about my family .. but I don't know anything about yours .." I said as he smile slightly.

"Do you really want to know ?" He asked. I nodded as he then sigh.

Zee's POV.

"Well .. I don't really have a family .." I said making him frown.

"I came from a orphanage ..and the only person who took care of me is my nana ..." I said.

"So you're an .."

"Orphan .." I said.

"I'm sorry for asking .." He said making me chuckle.

"No worry , your highness ..." I said reassuringly.

"Then have you visited them ?"  He asked and I nod.

"I haven't gone back for a while .. I'll visit soon .." I answered.

"You must missed them .." he said as I chuckled.

"They understand my job .. and plus , the king reassured them .." I said making him frown in confusion.

"My father ?" He asked and I nod.

"What do you mean he reassured them ?" He asked.

"The king helped my orphanage home countless of times ..." I answered.

"My orphanage wasn't making enough money to pay bills .. which caused us to be broken .." I said.

"We were hopeless .. however .. the king saved us .." I said.

"He suddenly donated over millions for my home .. the bills , rental was all covered by him .." I said.

"I owe your father .. however I felt bad that I couldn't repay him for his kindness .." I said , sighing.

"But he did say what I can do to repay him .." I said.

"What is it ?" He asked.

"And that is to be his bodyguard .." I answered.

"But I couldn't accept his offer .. I mean I was just a teenager , a orphan , I didn't know how to fight nor speak with manners. I was clueless .." I said.

"But I remember what my nana said .. she said this opportunity is once in a life time .. and who knows where this will lead me in life .." I said , looking up to him.

"So I took up the offer and the king sent me to England to train .. that's where I learned how to fight , to speak with proper manner and to respect .. that's also where I met Max .. we trained together .." I said , smiling to myself.

"Max was then called back to Thailand before me .. he told me he had to be a bodyguard to the King's son .." I said.

Nunew's POV

I smile , listening to Zee talk about his background.

"I waited for years .. trained for years to get called back by the king .." he said.

"And just in time , the king needed me back .. he told me that he needed someone to protect someone .." he said.

"He assigned me as the head of the bodyguards and assigned me to protect his one and only precious jewel .." he said looking at me. I blush lightly , turning away.

"Then do you regret taking this job ?" I asked making him smile.

"At first I did .." he answered making me look at him.

"But .. I don't think I regret becoming a bodyguard because .. I get to witness a flower blooming .." he said looking at me with his warm eyes. I smile gently as he did the same. Angel then neigh , spoiling the mood. I cleared my throat , looking away as I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

"We should bring Angel back .. it's getting chilly .." I said and he nod. I look at him chucking as he lead Angel back to his barn.

I got out of my shower , looking at the mirror. I look at myself and slowly smile.

"Happiness looks kinda good on me .." I thought. I then chuckled , walking out of the bathroom. I then walked downstairs , looking around not seeing Zee.

"Zee ?" I asked and soon heard noise coming from the kitchen. I walked towards the kitchen to see Zee cooking. I cleared my throat making him turn.

"Are you done showering ?" He asked and I nodded.

"What are you doing ?" I asked.

"I am cooking us dinner .." he answered.

"So why don't you take a seat first and I'll come soon .." he said and I hum , nodding. I sat down at the dining room , watching him cook. I smile , leaning on my palm as I watch Zee cooked.

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