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Zee's POV

He slowly placed his hand on my bleeding head. I look at him as tears rolled down his cheeks making my eyes widened in panic.

"Don't leave me ..." he breathed out shakily.

"Please .. don't .." he sobbed as I then pulled him to my embrace. I gently caress his head , sighing.

"It's okay krub .. I am here .." I whispered softly. Soon Max turned to us and was about to approach us when I shook my head. He nod , taking a step back. I then slowly lead the prince out of the room and into the dining room , still holding him tightly.

I pulled one of the chairs out , letting him to sit. He look down to his lap and soon Maria came out.

"Get the prince water." I said as she nod , hurrying away to the kitchen. I look at Nunew who hasn't said a word. After a while , Maria came back with a cup of water. I look down to his hand seeing blood. I then realized he must have gotten it from me since he touched my head.

"Maria , can you get a towel and a bowl of water." I said as she nod. She then came out with a clean towel and a bowl of water.

"Here kha .." she said as I nod , grabbing it from her as I walked back to the prince.

"May I ?" I asked , putting my hand out. He look at me as he slowly placed his hand on mine. I grabbed the towel , soaking it slightly with water. I then gently wiped the blood off his hand , ignoring the bad sting on my head.

Nunew's POV

I watch Zee as he cleaned the blood off my hand.

"He is more worried about my hand getting all bloody than his injury .." I thought.

"Does your head hurt ?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"No , your highness .." he answered , looking at me.

"Liar .." I thought. He then placed the dirty towel into the bowl of water , placing it on the table. He hand me a few napkins for me to dry my hands with. He got up , sighing. Soon the door open revealing a guard.

"Sir , Khun Max asked me to inform you that Khun Nat is arriving soon .." he said as I nod.

"Wait here with the prince while I go check on Max." I said making the guard nod but as I was about to walk away , Nunew grabbed my wrist making me turn.

"I don't want to be alone." I said. He then grabbed my hand , giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"It's okay .. Nat will be here any time soon .. I'll be right back to check the situation." He said with a gentle tone.

"Okay ?" He asked. I slowly nod , letting go of his hand slowly. He then looked at the guard making him bow. He walked out of the dining room , leaving me. I slowly look down to my palm , clutching them.

I drank my water and soon the door opened revealing Nat.

"Nhu .." he said as I got up. He quickly hugged me tightly.

"You okay ? I came as fast as I could when P'Max called .." he said.

"I am okay .." I said as he pulled away , checking me from head to toe.

"You sure you are not hurt ?" He asked as I shook my head. He sigh in relief , hugging me tightly.

"I was so worried .." he said. Soon the door open revealing both Zee and Max.

"How's everything ?" Asked Nat.

"The maids are cleaning up the living room .. the guys are already arrested so there's nothing to worry about .." said Max as I look at Zee.

"Everything is okay now .." said Zee , looking at me.

"Nat , please bring the prince up to the room .." he ordered as Nat nod , holding my arm.

"Let's go .." he said as I nod. Me and Nat slowly walked out of the dining room. I turned back to Zee as he smiled softly , nodding. I walked upstairs with Nat.

Zee's POV

I wiped my blood away with a wet towel as the door open revealing Max.

"You know you could have die , why didn't you wait for backup ?" He asked as he placed his blazer on his bed.

"It's not like I could not handle two guys alone .." I said as he chuckled in disbelief.

"Look at your confidence .. you have a busted up head and huge bruise on your ribs , you call that ,' you can handle two guys alone.' please .." he said , sighing.

"I don't care if I am hurt , my priority is the prince." I said , leaning back as I groan.

"I get that but you also got to take care of yourself too .." he said.

"Getting injured is the last thing you wanna go through .." he continued.

"If it means that the prince will be safe then I am okay with it .." I said making him frown.

"Are you crazy ?" He asked.

"Nope .." I said as he snickered.

"I can't believe you .." he said.

"This is what we were trained to do. Protect the prince no matter what. And that's what I am going to do .. even if it gets me killed as long as the prince is safe , I am fine .." I said , wrapping my head with a bandage. I groan in pain as I struggle to lift my arm.

"Here , let me help .." said Max as he help me with the bandage.

"You are a great guard Zee but I don't think the prince is willing to lose a guard like you .." he said as I chuckled.

"Please .. don't leave me .." he breathe out shakily with tears rolling down his cheek.

"Don't leave me." He said , holding my wrist.

"I guess so .." I said , looking away.

"Cute .." I thought , smiling to myself.

Nunew's POV

I look up to the ceiling and soon lift my hand. I look at my palm , pouting.

"Nat .." I called making him hum.

"Are you asleep ?" I asked.

"No .." he answered.

"I can't sleep .." I said making him turn to me.

"Something on your mind ?" He asked as I turned to face him.

"I've been getting those dreams ..." I said.

"You mean the one you told me before ?" he asked and I nodded.

"It's becoming more often nowadays .. it even appears when I am awake .. like it's part of my memory .." I said.

"I don't know how to explain it but it's like these dreams are like telling me something .." I said.

"Don't worry about it too much okay ?" Asked Nat.

"I know you'll find your answers soon .. I mean you are Nunew the young prince .. if you want to find out something , you'll definitely do so .." he said making me chuckle.

"And plus , I , your best friend , will always be here , now and forever ..." he said making me smile.

"Thank you Nat .." I said as he then pinch my cheek.

"Welcome Jelly .." he said as I frown.

"Jelly ?" I asked.

"Yes , jelly !" He said making me giggle.

"Let's get some sleep hm .." he said and I nodded. I turned so that I am laying on my back as Nat turned the lamp off. I look up at the white ceiling , breathing out. My eyes then slowly shut.

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