special chapter 1

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- 1 year later -

Nunew's POV

I smile , walking out of the school as I look around seeing a lot of people who were wearing graduation gowns , taking pictures with their love ones.

Yes , I finally finished my studies. I have a degree in law now. Am I proud of what I've accomplished ? Definitely. Last year was full of crazy events but without them , I wouldn't be where I am now.

"Nhu !" I turned seeing Nat , Max and my father. I smile as Nat open his arms. I ran into his arms , hugging him. I pulled away as he smiled.

"Congratulations Nhu!!" He said as I chuckled.

"Thanks Jelly~" I said as I then turned to Max.

"Congratulations, your highness.." he said making me nod , smiling.

"Thank you max .." I said squeezing his arm making him smile.

"Are you not going to hug your old man ?" Asked Father making me chuckle.

"Dad .." I said as he hugged me , patting my back.

"Great job Nhu .. I am so proud of you .." he said making me nod. He pulled away , patting my head gently.

"If your mother was here .. she would be soo proud .." he said as I smile fondly. I then looked around not seeing the person I was looking forward to seeing.

"Where is he ?" I asked as Nat smile.

"Nhu .." I freeze hearing that voice. The only voice that I knew would melt my heart till this day. I turned seeing him as he walked towards me with a huge smile and a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Hia .." I said as he stopped in front of me. Zee .. who I now call as Hia. My hia Zee .. My fiancé and the love of my life.

"Congratulations Nhu .." he said as he hand me the bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you Hia .." I said smiling. He then tapped his cheeks with his finger making me frown in confusion. I then realized what he wants. I look at the rest as they all giggle , looking away. I leaned forward shyly , wanting to kiss his cheek but instead Hia placed a peck on my cheeks first before I could , making me hum in surprise. He smile as I then chuckled. He open his arms as I hugged him tightly.

"I am so proud of you .." he whispered as I sigh in comfort.

"Nhu .. I think it's time .." he said making me pull away , frowning.

"Time ?" I asked and he nod.

"Let's get married na .." he said making me look at him.

"Will you marry me ?" He asked , holding my hand.

"Say yes , say yes , say yes !" Cheered the rest as I look at them. Father , smile , nodding. I look at Zee and smile.

"Hm ! I do .." I said as he chuckled making Nat and the rest cheer. I giggled as I look at Zee shyly. He leaned forward , placing a peck on my lips before pulling me to his embrace , hugging him tightly. Finally after a year , I'll have my happy ever after with Hia.

- next day -

"Pure .. I am not going ... why don't you go ahead without me ?" I asked my best girl friend who I met in school , her name is Pure.

"Aow , Nhu ..come on .. it's just a get-together dinner .." she said making me sigh.

"Listen , we'll just go and eat and drink a little then go back home .." she said and I sigh.

"Fine .." I said making her squeal on the other side.

"Great ! I'll meet you at 7:30 !" She said as I hum , hanging up. I placed my phone down , pouting. I then got up , looking around for Hia.

"Hia ?" I called out and soon frown.

"Where is he ?" I asked. Soon I heard music coming from the gym. Oh yes , I forgot to tell you , we moved into a new house. The land that mother left for Kanin is now mine. So me , Zee , Nat and Max decided to build a new palace house to live in. I am still getting used to the new house since it's even bigger than our old one. I push open the door , seeing Zee working out. I leaned against the door frame as he carried a few weights in his hand. My eyes went down to his big biceps making me bite my lower lips.

"Is he really my fiancé ?" I thought.

"Nhu ?" I snapped out of my thoughts seeing Zee looking at me.

"How long have you been standing there ?" He asked as I cleared my throat , walking towards him.

"I was looking for you .." I said as I then sat beside him as he look at me , wiping his sweat off.

"Hia .." I said making him hum.

"I was wondering if it's okay if I go out later .." I said making him raise his eyebrow.

"Pure and the other students from my class are gathering for a drink .." I said.

"Can I please go ?" I asked , poking his arm making him chuckle.

"Have ever stop you from going out ?" He asked placing his hand on my head as I then pout , pushing his hand away as I whine.

"Of course you can go .." he said making me smile.

"But don't drink too much ..and if you need me to come pick you up .. just give me a call .." he said making me nod.

"Thank you Hia .." I said , pecking his cheek. He then pout making me chuckle , placing a peck on his lip. I giggled , giving him another kiss.

"I should go and get ready .." I said as he nod. I got up , leaving the gym.

I wore a plain t-shirt and jeans , grabbing my bag. I then wore Hia's favorite perfume , sighing happily. I then walked out of the room , walking downstairs as I soon saw Hia.

"Hia .." I said as he got up from the couch. He then held my hand making me look at him.

"Nhu .. do you really have to go ?" He asked making me chuckle.

"I won't be out for so long ..." I said as he sigh , pouting.

"Then .. at least let me send you to the restaurant .." he said making me chuckle , nodding. He smile , grabbing his car keys.

"Let's go .." he said , walking out making me chuckle , shaking my head.

- later -

He pulled up the restaurant making me unbuckled my seatbelt.

"I'll see you back at home , drive safely Hia .." I said , wanting to open the door when he grabbed my arm making me turn.

"Are you forgetting something ?" He asked making me frown. He then touch his lips making me chuckle. I leaned forward towards him , however instead of kissing his lips , I placed a peck on his cheeks.

"Aow .. that's not what I wanted .." he pout making me chuckle.

"It's still a kiss .." I said teasingly. He chuckled , grabbing the back of my nape , crashing his lips on mine. I couldn't help but reply to his kiss. Before he pulled away , he bit my lower lips making me groan softly.

"Hia~" I whine as he smirk , licking his lips.

"That is what you call a kiss .." he said making me pout , blushing.

"Er , whatever , I gotta go .. bye .." I said , getting out of the car. I close the door , clutching my bag as I head towards the restaurant.

"Nhu !" I turned seeing Hia with the car window rolled down.

"I love you .." he said making me smile warmly.

"I love you too !" I said before jogging towards the restaurant , smiling to myself.

Hey guysss !! It's been so long huh ! The wait is finally over ! The first special chapter of 'My Royalty' is out now !! I will be posting it everyday till the last chapter. This special series has about 7 special chapters. I will be dropping them at 12 noon everyday. I hope you would love this special chapter as much as the chapters before ❤️

Oh yes ! At the very end of the special Chapter , I will be announcing something ! I won't say much , so stay tuned !!! ❤️

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