Chapter 22

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*few days later*

Carina and I are having lunch at the cafeteria, she seems worried, possibly her father. I can see her eyes are not present here.

"Is it that bad? With your dad?" I break the silence, it seems like that shook her thoughts away and looks at me,

"I just feel frustrated by his behavior right now. I'm just wait for the other bomb to drop.."

"You mean shoe? Shoe to drop?" I correct,

"Yes that, sorry." I take her hand and rub with my thumb.

"What if we take tonight off? Id like you to spend the night at my place, just to take your mind off everything, your brother is on this study so he can deal with him just one night, hm?" I look at her, she thinks about it, and slowly nodding,

"That sounds good amore." She smiles softly. Her smile fades when her phone is being paged,

"I have to go, one of the lambs didn't make it." She leans over to kiss my cheek softly and leaves quickly. I breathe out a sigh and put the trays away.

I make my way to the ER in case help is needed, Jo sees me and joins me,

"So Link is at a Pain Relief conference? He just told me this morning." Oh that's right, same with Shepherd, they're both out.

"Ah yeah, he is off this weekend, he'll be giving a lecture, it's his thing apparently. Also you are covering for me tonight. I'm taking off."  I take off my lab coat and leave it on a gurney,

"Where you going?" Jo says,

"Carina and I have plans, she's very worried about her dad and I want to help somehow, we hardly talk about anything other than her dad."

"Mm, aren't you kind. Do I at least have a good intern?"

"you got Schmitt," that doesn't help her mood.

We get to the ER and there's two cases that were just brought in. One of the is an Ortho case,

"You got the clavicle and humerus fracture, I'll join you after I clear the other trauma." I tell Jo, she enters trauma 2. 

I go into trauma 1 after I read the patient's chart and hear Altman  to page OB as Owen gets out.

"I'm just here to clear her c-spine," I say to her. She lets me pass, I tread my fingers along her neck checking for pain or deformation, as I do that Carina comes in, she notices me and softly smiles again. I can't help but return the smile too.

"Alright Lizzie, you look good on my end, no injuries here." Carina checks the baby with the ultrasound,

"There is free fluid in the abdomen." Altman says.

"Fetal heartbeat is good, your baby is doing great." Carina gives a reassuring smile to the patient. Teddy glares at her,

"Dr DeLuca, a word please." They both step out of the room. after I sign off on the chart, I step out I hear Carina apologizing. Teddy goes back in the room,

"You okay?" I ask her, my hand on her arm,

"I was trying to give good news, she bit my head off, it's okay. She's right." She brushes it off. I feel helpless with the situation she's in. I can't imagine taking care of a parent like this for her.

"Well I cleared my schedule for tonight, I can wait whenever you're ready." I say,

"I don't know how long they will take in the OR, I have to monitor the baby, make sure there's no distress. Or in case I have to deliver even if it's too early." She says, I trace my hand to her face softly and then let her go back in. I watch her and Altman take the gurney to the elevator.

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