Chapter 13

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*2 weeks later; majority of the character's POV belong to 15x7-9*


Entering the Attending's Lounge I see Richard ending a phone call that leaves him in a sad state. He looks up seeing me walk in.

I put my stuff down on the table and ask, "What's wrong?" I walk closer to him, he moves away to close door and just stands there thinking.

"Meredith, you should take a seat," I hesitate for a while but eventually sit and give him a confused look. Who died?

"I just got a phone call by your father's nurse, he says that he's dying, very quickly. The nurse told me if you wanted to come by to say goodbye or something." After his last words leave his mouth and I don't even know what to say.

Should I even go? I haven't seen him since Lexie, and thinking about her just reminds of what that new doctor said about her.

"Meredith? I know you two don't see eye to eye but I think it's a good idea to... see him." He suggests. I look up, "How much is left?"

"Not much... he's dying very quickly."

"I have to check, on a kid with Alex. I'll see you later." I get up, quickly change into scrubs and get a tablet from the nurses' station.

"Hey, what you got there?" Maggie says from behind. "Just a kid getting a transplant today, um what are you doing tomorrow?" I ask.

"I don't think anything, Jackson has this board meeting tomorrow, that's the new ortho surgeon right? Why is she working with Amelia?" I see to Maggie's view point and see Amelia writing something on a board while Dr Barrera is typing something on a laptop. Amelia smiles of what she's telling her; I haven't seen her smile like that since she married Owen.

"I don't know, maybe a case. And I need a favor, would you take care of the kids this afternoon? I need to check on someone." I force a smile. Maggie slowly turns away from looking at Amelia and faces me, "Yeah of course, are you okay though?" She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine, have to catch up with Alex." I shrug. I walk to the peds floor and see Alex talking to the little girl's family by the bedside.

"Hello, I'm Dr Grey, what do we have here?" I knock on the door, smiling at the girl. Happy to be surrounded by her family. Some portraits on the table with candles.

"Today's the Día de los Muertos." Her mother says.

"Day of the Dead." Alex translates and hands me her file.

"It's like Halloween but better!" The little girl says excited. Having a day to mourn the dead? Sounds.... nice I guess.

"So you ready for your surgery?" Alex says.


"Page Cardio stat! He's losing too much blood. And someone get me an ultrasound machine." I say. Dr Parker gets out of the trauma room to get one.

"BP's below 100 systolic doctor." A nurse says. I get lap pads and press on the wound on the chest. This guy needs a transfusion.

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