Chapter 9

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I just fed Leo this morning he's almost a year old, he's turning one in a few months and I don't really know what to do for his birthday. I sit him down on the thingie that supports him to walk. I walk over to the kitchen and clean the powder that I spilled of the formula milk. I hear someone's footsteps and recognize the scent. Amelia. Should I tell her what happened when she came home early?

"Good morning Owen," She greets and touches my shoulder, I tense a bit without her knowing. "Morning" I say. "So have you met Dr Barrera?" I continue.

"Uh yea, you know she's gonna show me this thing she's been working on for a while, so don't worry if I come home late." She explains. So I should tell her...?

"So I'll pick up Betty from school then?" I ask her. She shakes her head, "No I will, but I'll drop her off here and I'll wait for you to come because I think leaving her here alone won't be a good idea-"

"I heard that!" Betty says loud from some room. We stay silent while Amelia pours her coffee. I break the silence and say, "Ok then, I think I'll arrive around 5-6 if there's not that much action in the ER"

"Cool... Betty let's go!" She says and opens the door. Betty walks out and says bye to Leo. She leaves as she closes the door behind her. I run quickly outside catching Amelia before she leaves.

"Amelia wait!" She turns around before she gets in. "What is it Owen?" She asks.

"What was wrong the day before yesterday? In the morning you seemed... off" I ask gently. "Uh I don't know... probably Leo's crying" She says biting her lip. "It not cause of Teddy is it?" I say.

"Oh no... I mean I honestly don't really care... but in a good way!" She says getting in the car. I nod walk quickly back before Leo hurts himself.


"Andrea I didn't see you at home, did you cover the ER last night?" I ask looking at Ms. Meyers chart from last night.

"Yea I couldn't sleep so I did some hours here. And I told you to not call me that." He explains. "Sorry, can't help it..." still looking down at the chart. So far there's no after-birth complications on my patient. "Hey also can you page me if anything goes wrong with last night's patient per favore?" I ask nicely.

"Yea ok" he simply says. I walk around the counter or desk and bump into someone around the corner.

"Sorry, ex- Carina hey!" Juliána looks up.

"Ciao Juliána did you sleep here again?" I ask. "Yea... speaking where to sleep um... do you know where I can find houses?" She asks chuckling.

"You can stay with my brother and I for now until you find one..." I say realizing that was a dumb answer. "Mm that wasn't the question but uh yeah... are you sure? I mean I'm not a lost dog" she laughs. "First, no I don't know any houses because I haven't lived here long. Second, yea it's no problem at our place," I say getting a piece of paper out and write the address. I get her hand, she gives me a confusing look until she knows what I'm doing and put the paper there. "Awesome" is all she says and walks away.

I look around and see Andrew giving me a look as if I gave her my number. I roll my eyes and smile. I walk around for a while and head into an on call room.

I realize I'm not alone and see Juliána on the bed with research papers scattered across.

"Oh this, sorry about this. I just I have to show these papers to someone" She explains. I walk over and look at her in awe. Her wavy black hair tied back in a weird messy bun. "Well tell me about it" I smile and sit across the other end of the bed. "Well, you know Dr Shepherd?" I nod. "Well I'm going to show her what I've been working on because, surprisingly I need her help. And I don't normally ask for help." She continues organizing the scattered papers.

"Oh so you're arrogant ?" I joke as I put a strand of hair behind my ear. She laughs, "well I wouldn't say that".

"In a good way! I mean it's kinda hot" I grin. She raises an eyebrow slightly. "You still haven't told me your specialty..."

"Take a wild guess" she says.

"Something tell me you're an OB." she says still looking at her research papers.

"You are correct, yes." I say. She nods. She puts her papers away in a folder. She puts on her white coat making her way to the door. I clear my throat and say,

"And you're a Navy SEAL Commander trauma orthopedic surgeon, now Head of Orthopedic Surgery" She stops but doesn't turn around."Looks like someone did her research," she says when she opens the door.

"How about that drink you told me to buy you?" I smile. She undoes her bun and and smiles towards me.

"Worth a try, Carina, see you at your place" And walks away.


"So you'll take my two bowel resections Grey?" Bailey asks. I nod, "Yea but why did you put Teddy as Chief? Oh also is there any ortho fellowships for Wilso-I mean Jo?" She turns around in confusion.

Ever since Alex told me that Jo quit her fellowship as Mass General, she wants to find an ortho fellowship here. And I'm all for it because that means I'll have more time with Alex.

"Well..." Bailey asks clearing my thoughts. "Oh- right. Because Jo quit her fellowship and asks if she can do one here. In orthopedics." I ask hopefully.

"Well first... I'm not the chief right now, second ask the new Head of Ortho. Third, Dr Atlman was there at the time. End of conversation" she says. I put the tablet away and encounter a nervous Amelia.

"Mer come over here" She says and pulls my arm.  I ask, "What's going on? What did Owen do this time?" She gives me a weird look and shakes her head 'no'

"I- uh how do I put this. Dr Barrera wants to show me something tonight she's been working on but I'm really nervous. I don't know if it's the idea that I'm scared of or- Look there she is..." Amelia trails off. I look to into her direction and see her talking to a nurse getting a tablet. Most likely checking a chart. Then I look at Amelia, I then notice that Maggie is passing by.

"What are we staring at?" She says looking where Amelia is looking at and then she turns to her. "I'm gonna go now." She says looking at both of us and walking away. "What just happened?" Maggie asks again. "I don't even know." I respond. Maggie chokes a laugh and shrugs her shoulders, "Hey Jackson asked me to move in so... that's I'm doing. Alex can stay with you now in the room now."

"Oh, nice knowing in advance.. but ok I guess." I tell her wide eyed. She nods happily and walks away. I need to talk to Teddy about the fellowship.

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