Chapter 8

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"So what's the case you need me to look at?" Barrera says as she meets me at the Pit.

"It's a kid, he has open femur fracture and he needs surgery fast. He's seized two times already." I explain. "Well then lets go" She says running grabbing a trauma gown.

"Alright has someone booked an OR?" Barrera asks. "Qadri, one the residents, has." I tell her. Qadri comes in with head CT results. I see there fluid build in the dorsal side of the head.

"I need a drill please and get the needle ready." I demand. I get handed the drill and put it on low speed.

"Drilling in now....." I let go of the drill, "18 Gauge needle please." I insert it and pull up the syringe and drain. I do this about 3 times until he starts seizing. "He's seizing!"

"Injecting 4 ml of lorazepam" Qadri says. I nod in  approval and does so. "No change! Is she allergic to diazepam?" I ask urgently. God I should've read her chart more carefully. Qadri nods no so I inject. He stops seizing fast.

"Check pupils" I say.

"Right one is blown" Qadri say. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Alright we need the OR stat!" I say.

"Hold on, I can't seem to plant the clamp on the femoral artery." Barrera speaks up.

"That can wait he's hemorrhaging" I demand

"Give me 30 seconds and I'll get out of your-" I cut her off

"He doesn't have 30 seconds, Qadri lets go." I say now annoyed.

"If I can't clamp it he'll bleed out! And then there's no need for the OR!" She raises her voice

"If I don't drain it he'll end up brain dead!" I yell.

"And... I ..... am done!" She gets up and raises her hands all bloody. I roll my eyes. And make my way to the elevator.


"Hey you ok Mer?" I ask. It's been 3 days and I'm still in Seattle. Maybe by the end of the week I'll return to Boston. We're at the cafeteria and she hasn't touched her food in 5 minuets.

"Yea, Yea I guess" she says. I give a reassuring smile. "So, I'm going back to Boston by the end of the week..." I give her the news.

"But you just got here! Jo should've done a fellowship here. At least an orthopedic one; she was amazing with Callie. Make her change her mind" she says. Torres did say that she had potential for ortho.

"Maybe," is all I say. Mer just sighs and looks at her phone.

"I got to go, my patient's coding" she says and leaves quickly. I get my tray and throw it away.

I walk towards the elevator when Jo calls me,

"Hey Jo,"

"Hey guess what..." 

"Uh you're pregnant?"

"No silly! I mean.. not yet... I might've done something that'll get you mad"

"I wont, promise"

"Ok... um I quit the fellowship at Boston, so you need to get me one at Grey Sloan."

"Jo we needed to make that decision, not just you... look I'll come back by the end of this week... I have to go."

"Love you!"

"You too" and I end the call. I see a kid on the OR board without any peds surgeon.

I put my scrub cap on and enter the OR

"Why is there no peds surgeon here?" I demand. I notice Amelia is operating on the patient's brain.

"Relax Karev, he had no abdominal injuries. After I'm done, Dr Barrera is going to fix the femur fracture. So anything else?" She says calmly. I was about to say something but someone comes in.

"How are we doing?" She says. So that's Dr Barrera.

"I said I would page you when I am done" Amelia says. Dr Barrera gets ready with her tools.

"I'm sure you're almost done and why wait to come here when I'm already here?" Amelia just rolls her eyes. "And you are?" Dr Barrera asks me.

"I'm Dr Karev, Pediatrics." I say kinda annoyed so I just leave the OR. I get my phone out and dial Jo's number.


It's been really quiet in the OR for 30 mins while I've been fixing this femur fracture so I break the silence,

"How's it going up there?" I ask Dr Shepherd. There's a long wait until she responds, "It's taking more than expected, if I sent him up here faster maybe he would already be recovering. Qadri irrigate here."

"Well, he isn't dead right? We both did our jobs."  I say. I finish the last screw and staple the wound. 

"Qadri, I drained the fluid and hemorrhage here will you do the honors and close up...?" I hear her ask the resident. "Yes Dr Shepherd" the resident says surely. Shepherd leaves her. And I stand up and throw away the gown and gloves. I rise my hands and dry when Shepherd suddenly says,

"Look I'm sorry when I snapped, lately I've been on edge with things at home..." she apologizes. I smile and slightly open the door while looking down.

"I get it." I say now looking up.

"Cool" Is all I hear after I leave.

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