Chapter 19

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*Some scenes belong to 15x12; sort of a filler/Valentine's Day chapter*


"Get an OR ready for him and scrub in, Parker." Juliana tells her resident near the desk reception. I've decided that I should surprise her by walking up behind her when her resident leaves. Her back is facing towards me when I come up behind her; both my arms coming between her and my hands touching the reception, trapping her in a way,

She looks up, "You're back from Italy?" She says.

"Something like that, yeah," I fully not answer, "I came back with a better idea in mind..." I bite my bottom lip.
"Really? And what is that?..." She raises an eyebrow, smiling. I step closer to her so that my hands can reach her white coat's pockets and reel her in,

"You and I, staying in, with wine, no work, no clothes..." I say seductively to her, she looks around to see if there's any prying eyes,

"Dr Carina Deluca, this is a workplace..." She says coyly, "Wanna know the best part?" she hums wanting to know,

"Mind-blowing orgasms." she exhales, "On Valentine's Day? What happened to being friends?"

"I don't hear a 'no'..." I say, she takes my hands out of her pockets and slowly steps back. Giving me a devilish smile,

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Your offer... is very tempting, but I'm not quite convinced." She walks the other way, I tilt my head in curiosity and follow her, "What is there to think about?" She turns her head, "Well for starters, where is your brother going to be? It's his house too."

"He will definitely not be there, I'm sure he has somewhere to be too, he never stays in for Valentine's." She doesn't look at me, instead searching for something, probably to work on her project.

"So?" I ask after not saying anything, it's driving me crazy. We stop in front of a lab, Dr Shepherd typing on a laptop. She finally looks at me, eyeing me,

"Sucks, I wanted to do a night shift. I guess if you rather have me not saving lives then..." She put her hands in her coat.

"Well, when you put it like that--" I try not to be insensitive,

"Carina, I'm kidding, I'll see you tonight." She says my name in her native accent, I clear my throat, "Good. I'll drop by here soon." She mouths an 'okay' and goes into the lab. I can't help but notice Shepherd steal glances at me then at Juliana, my phone buzzes. A woman in critical labor, I look back up seeing her smile at me. I smile back and head to the Hole, or whatever it's called.


"So what are we gonna do for today?" I ask to my favorite person in the world, he looks up from his desk, scattered papers all over.

"I don't think I can get off early, maybe just stay here." He gets up and leans on the desk,

"You would like that wouldn't you?" I say putting my arms around his neck, he smiles like the dork he is, "Yes, very." He nuzzles into my neck, his gentle hands roaming around my waist.

"Mmm, as much as I want to stay like this, I have to go with Julie. I am her fellow after all..." He groans but lets me go, "Right, did you know she was a SEAL? That's damn cool, don't you think?"

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