Chapter 3

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Just finished my colonoscopy. I enter the elevator and before the door closes a woman in Navy uniform slips in.

"Hello" She says and presses the third floor.

"Hi do you work here?" I ask.

She looks at me and says "Uh yes and no, I mean I work here in a few days but I brought a patient in and I need surgical privileges... I'm Dr Juliana Barrera." She offers her hand.

I shake it and say "Oh Dr Meredith Grey... Head of General." She gives me a surprised face.

"Ah yes, the one w the name on the hospital" she says.

"Yup. That's me." I say.

"Well, nice meeting you." She says and leave the elevator.


Just as I'm fixing a stack of papers, someone knocks and comes in.

"Hello you must be Dr. Atlman?" She asks. Oh this must be the new surgeon.

"Yes I am, you must be Dr. Barrera?" I ask

"Yea um I just wanted to ask you if I can have surgical privileges. I brought a patient in coming here....and..." she say and I cut her off,

"Oh yes of course, as the chief of surgery I give you privileges, blah, blah." I say. She walks out a I continue to organize papers. I saw Owen when I was giving my whatever speech but he suddenly went away, he probably got paged.


My patient is sedated in O.R 1, I'm almost done scrubbing when Dr Barrera comes in.

"Hey....ready?" She says. I give her a reassuring smile then I feel dumb cause of the mask is covering my mouth; I head in into the sterilized area. 5 minutes later she asks me, "So you specialize in trauma?"

"Uh yea I've been here for a while... where did you serve?" I ask. She irrigates for a few seconds and says, "Well, I went back and forth around the Middle East and Vietnam for 5 years. 2 years when I was a resident."

"Oh... I also was serving for a few years in Afghanistan and Baghdad with Dr Altman actually." I say, she seems surprised and says, "Oh wow.." she trails off as BP rises.

"He's getting tachycardia, push 2 oz of metoprolol!" I order. I see he's not getting better. He's going into V-fib, before I can say anything, Dr Barrera thinks ahead of me and quickly exclaims,

"Get the paddles and charge to 200! CLEAR!" As she does, still the same. "Charge to 300!.... CLEAR,"

"He's stabilizing.... normal sinus rhythm. Good work Dr Barrera." I say. She nods, "Thanks.. but anyone could've done it," She smiles again.

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