Chapter 6

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As Owen and I get out of the car with his kid, named Leo, he opens the front door. We come in silently because he also said that his ex wife is fostering the mom of Leo. I know... complicated right?

"Hey help yourself to whatever you like I'll put Leo in his crib." Owen says

"Awesome" I weirdly say. I just look around and see frames in the living room. Kid toys. Thank god I've got no kids. I would have to do everything for them.... it's been a while since Owen got into the room. So I enter quietly into the room and see Owen with his finger to his mouth indicating that I need to be quiet.

"Wow, you're good at this." I say impressed

"It took me a while to nail it" He says while looking at Leo. He then looks towards me, wow his eyes are so blue! The moonlight hitting his face,especially his eyes, is mystical.

"Are you admiring my face?" He says jokingly. I stare longingly into his sky blue eyes, like I'm in a trance. But then I suddenly I remember he has kids. No no no I can't walk into that situation again. I just can't because he's always going to choose his family. I want to storm out of the house but his facial expression is keeping me here.

"I'm- I- don't-" I stutter as I see him stepping closer. God what do I do? Don't do it Julie don't. He lands his hands gently onto my face. Does he think I'm gonna flinch? I was a Navy SEAL dude.

Oh screw it, I close the gap between us with lips smashing into his. My arms wrapped around his neck as his hands are in my hair. Damn he's good kisser. He lets go of my hair and picks up onto his hips as I let out a small moan. I get his jacket off of him while he's kissing down my neck and collarbone until we hear a doorknob open.


"Um who's that?" Juliana says, still her legs around my hips. "That' ex-wife I work with at Grey+Sloan." Is all I can say.

"And of course she has a spear key." She whispers. She gets off of me and says, "Look, I'd be lying that this make out wasn't awesome. But apparently you have unresolved issues with you're ex wife. And well I'm gonna go..... just distract her."

"I'm sorry... I was gonna tell you-I just..." I try to explain."It's my fault, don't worry... just distract her, please" she lastly says and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. So I get out of Leo's room first and greet Amelia.

"Hey, I didn't think you'll come that early. Hi Betty, when did you get here?" I ask her. "I took the bus like Amelia told me." She simply says. I just stare at her and think what if she walked in on Juliana and me.

"What are you doing Owen? I'm hungry" she  whines. I look back and see Juliana opening the front door and gives me a thumbs up. I sigh in relief and Amelia gives me a weird look. My phone rings and I look at it.

"So... did Betty behave well?" Amelia says clearing my thoughts. "I didn't even know she was here" I sighed.


Once I get out of his house I forgot he gave me a ride. I got my phone and called a cab. After waiting for 7 mins I get in and tell the driver to hit Grey+Sloan. Instead of entering from the main entrance, I go through the ER. I see an RN at the ER reception and ask, "Hello is there any cases? Ortho wise" she points at bed 3 or 2 but I figured it out because I see a a patient holding his arm.

"Hi I'm Dr Barrera what seems the problem today?" I ask him while I look at his chart: dislocated right clavicle. "I'm pretty sure this isn't normal" he says and shows me his bone is out of the socket. "Ooh yes that's definitely not normal, I see your name is Daniel Connor but how would you like me to call you?" I ask. I gently lift his right arm and get it into place of how I'm gonna put it back.

"Just Daniel, do you have some sort of pain killers?" He asks worriedly. "Yes but this is quick don't worry, here..." I give him a rolled gauze "..... just bite on this, on 3. 1.... 2" *crack* "There you go not bad." I say reassuring.

"God! Sure try someone do it onto you" He screams in agony. "Actually I have, twice." I say.

"Sorry." He asks. I nod, "anyway I'll prescribe painkillers for 2 weeks and buy a sling and wear it for 2 weeks as well, come back if there's inflammation or more pain." I say and sign his chart off. "Goodnight and thank you" He says. I nod to him and go into the elevator. Then I realize I have no idea where to stay. I guess the on call rooms will have to do. Let's guess floor 3? I press it, after a few seconds it opens and walk to my left. I look around until I see the name of them. I open the door and close it quietly. I then notice that I kinda woke someone up.

"Oh god I'm sorry, go back to sleep, I'm gonna go to sleep too.... and Im gonna be quiet now" I apologize. I realize it's a girl and turns around.

"Hey I know you..... Juliána right?" She says sleepy.... she pronounced my name the right accent. "Uh yea.... wait Carina?" I ask
She sits up and smiles. "Yea I can get out of you want to sleep here your first day."

"Oh no it's fine I sleep anywhere, but how did you know it's my first day here?" I ask. "I saw your name in the OR board." She says.

"Wow stalker much?" I laugh. She stands
up and I see she has pink scrubs. "No no I walked by the OR board and your name caught my eyes." She says.

"Oh? So our encounter got stuck on your mind?" I ask walking a little closer to her.

"Among other things" she smirks. "It's 'amongst' not 'among' because you're using it as plural, but you're an exception." I nervously say. "Hmm not only you're a surgeon by an English teacher?" She asks getting closer.

"Amongst other things, yes" I tease. I notice that we're just a few inches from each other. I stare at her lips. God her accent is sexy. I always had a thing for Italian accents. "You know, I have a thing for Italian accents" I blur out. Oh god why did I say that? "Really?" She whispers in my ear sending shivers down my back. She then trails her lips down my neck planting slow kisses. I can't move anything. So I suddenly say, "So um... why do you have um.... pink scrubs?" Out of breath.

"Mm you'll have to find out." She whispers and nibbles my ear. And before I know it her lips are onto mine. Gentle at first to see how I would react. My hand go slowly to her neck and deepen the kiss. I push her down onto the bed and continue kissing. I ask entrance for her mouth, but she declines and wants in instead. I eventually give up and let her. She tugs my shirt and I take it off fast and pick a spot on her neck. I nibble and suck creating a hickey. Her finger tips trace by ab markings and my hands slowly make their way to her pants until a pager goes off,

"It'll go away if you ignore it." I say. Then a few minutes later it goes off again. "Ugh, non può una donna avere piacere!"  She says frustrating. I get off of her and gets her phone. "I'm sorry it's a patient." She pleads and fixes her hair. God she's hot. "It fine as long as you buy me a drink" I wink.

"Mm we'll see" she says and blows a kiss and leaves. I lie back down shirtless and see that it's 2 in the morning.

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