Chapter 24

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*based on the episode "Good Shepherd" this chapter will be 3rd pov since it's a centered episode*

Juliána and Amelia have just taken a flight to New York for a case. Both doctors have reached their hotel rooms,

"Nice, we're next to each other." Juliána remarks as they approach their doors, unlocking the rooms,

"That we are." Amelia says nervously. Ever since the blue room encounter, she has not been able to get the brown eyed surgeon out of her head. She got used to feeling bubbly around her at the lab for a while, she managed to ignore it and distract herself, hence Link and her sleeping together that one time, but now another feeling surges through her that she doesn't quite identify. It scares her, not knowing what it means.

When they enter their separate rooms, they settle in. Juliána doesn't like to unpack, especially if it's just a few days. She keep's everything in her suitcase until she needs a particular clothing piece. On the other hand Amelia, quite the opposite, she unpacks and tosses her used clothes on the chairs.

Amelia hears a knock on the adjoined door of Juliana's room. She opens the door and sees a smirk on her face,

"You still owe me dinner." She comes in leaning on Amelia's door frame. Amelia doesn't step back, she has her arms crossed and her sleeves cover half her hands like always.

"It's late, and we have a long day ahead of us, time zone and stuff." She says. Juliána simply hums, she looks over Amelia's shoulders,

"You really make yourself at home hm?" Amelia turns around and chuckles,

"I guess so." 

"You're just going to make me keep waiting?" Juliana raises her eyebrow, she likes playing this, well whatever this is, pushing and pulling between her and Shepherd. Both women know the tension is there, neither dares to do anything about it though. 

"I think you have this illusion that something might happen between us, but it won't." Amelia says trying to sound serious but while she's looking at Juliana, she can't help but hide her half smile.

"So you admit you like me? You're thinking about me?" Juliana gestures with her finger, leaning slightly towards the other woman. 

"No.. that's not what I said," she pushes back gently on Juliana's chest with her fingers; lingering them there. 

"Fine. Burgers tomorrow for breakfast." Juliana decides triumphantly lifting her head up. Amelia looks down at her hand, still on her chest and pulls her hand away, "Fine."

Juliana turns arounds and closes the door leaving them both alone in their rooms for the night. She smiles to herself, little by little she'll know more about Shepherd, even if it wasn't the other kind of learning of bodies.

Amelia sighs in relief, relieved that nothing happened between them. At least not yet, she knew that if anything happened she would no be able to focus the next day with the attraction strongly there. 


The next morning Juliana takes both of them to a burger joint near the medical center where they needed to be in an hour. There's no awkward talking exchanges or silences, both find a table to eat their orders. 

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