Chapter 16

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*two days later. Most scenes belong to 15x10.*


"I gave up my entire life in Germany for you and when I come here, I see that you're playing house with Amelia." Teddy remarks as we get into an argument on the hospital floor. I can barely listen to her while I'm terribly sick with a stuffed up nose.

"Listen Teddy, you came to Seattle the day after Karev's wedding, before Amelia and I were back together. " I counter.

"You seemed pretty back together to me,"

"Right, right and you decided with just one look, you had it all pictured out. Maybe if you came and talked to me when you got here in the first place we wouldn't be in this situation--" I get cut off when Teddy slightly raises her voice,

"Your teenager answered your door! What was I supposed to think? It's clearly not my fault that when I arrive, I see you with another woman."

"All I'm saying is that right now this is a crap situation and if you would've been more upfront it could've been better--" I get cut off once again but this time from Amelia coming out of a room.

"I've had really cool nicknames but I think 'Crap Situation' might become my favorite." She scoffs as she walks away, I look at her and then back at Teddy,

"We are not finished, we'll talk later."

Teddy rolls her eyes when I follow Amelia to clear things up; I apologize when I catch to up to her, she still ignores me. That doesn't stop me until we end up in her skills lab with Korasick.

"Amelia I'm sorry, we were fighting and I didn't mean to call the way I called the situation," I try to explain.

"No, no I get it, couples fight, it just slipped right?" Korasick turns his head as he hears our conversation.

"Who's the new couple?" I ignore his dumb words as I continue,

"Teddy and I aren't a couple alright? We were just fighting because of the baby--"

"Ooh, there's a baby." I've really had it with people cutting me off,

"Tom, we really don't need you here okay?" I cough.

"Actually we do, Amelia and I are busy so if you could move along, that would be great because we're too busy to hear your moping about your baby-mama, Hunt." I look at Amelia one more time, "Amelia please,"

"Just go Owen, we need to focus on this nasty tumor, we need to focus." She looks at me while her hands are fixing up on a model of the spinal cord. I sigh in defeat and exit the skills lab.

I take the elevator down to the last floor to the ER where I bump into Deluca,

"What do we have here? There's a lot of people with the flu." I observe.

"You bet, it's the flu season this looks like a plague, and you seem to have it too. are you okay Dr Hunt?." Before I can answer, I sneeze into my elbow and sniffle.

"I will be, thanks for the update. Also, can you get me an IV filled with LR and 4 milligrams of Zofran?" Deluca nods and goes on his way. I grab a tablet and see who's the next patient.


I get paged to the ER for a woman having an accident on some railing. Once I go outside to meet Jo, I see Dr. Barrera waiting too,

"Dr. Grey! We meet once again, I hope we don't disagree with our decisions toward the patient again. I think we make a great team." She smiles brightly; Jo pipes up and asks,

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