Chapter 25

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*one month later*


It's been really crazy advancing with the project, Julie assigned Link to take cover over her service sot hat she can focus more on this. Jo on the other hand, she's been hard to take a hold of. Julie has told me that something happened meeting her birth mom. She's not that close with her like Link is.

Our candidate, the patient that had spinal fractures, approved of our project. Starting a trial soon one of these days, just pending approval. Julie and I have been placing the microchip sensors in a vertebrae model since the morning.

"Hey so I kinda told Tom about this, and he was really interested so would it be cool if he just watches and keeps us company sometimes?" I say looking at her, she has her hair up, she puts down the instrument,

"Only because he removed your brain tumor-- is there a signal?" I look at the screen,

"Yup, nice." I say, she smiles and walks to me around the lab table, "no promises I'll be nice. I'm very stingy with my studies." She taps on the table,

"I'm sure he can handle that," I chuckle, she softly kisses my cheek and walks to the white board,

"Isn't weird?" I say, my eyes following her,

"What's weird amor?" My heart tugs at the sound of the endearment name, I chuckle nervously,

"Isn't weird that we haven't, I guess hit a wall with each other, or argue about the direction of this project?"

She turns around and plays with the marker in her hand, "We just work very well, and I think you're just wait for the other shoe to drop since you're so used to that. Not that I don't blame you but I do feel the same sometimes, we just have to enjoy it while it's happening."

Right, she's right, I'm so used to everything becoming a problem that I always wait for something to happen. I sigh, "Maybe you're right."

"I sure hope so," she grabs her white coat,

"Where are you going?" I ask,

"I'm going to check up on my patients, I don't want Link to think I've completely abandoned my service." she smiles and leaves. Sometimes I feel weird not telling her about Link and I that one time. It's not like I have to tell her, sure I still feel a slight attraction towards him but I don't act on it which is good right?

Some time later Tom walks in, tossing his bag on the desk,

"Well, well, where are we at? Have you gotten approval?" Tom comes up to the table, I look over some paperwork.

"Juliana is just wait for the phone call any time now." I say without looking up,

"Ah, speaking of Barrera, she really is such a sight, isn't she?" I look up at him, raising his eyebrows,

"Easy there, that's my girlfriend you're talking about Tom." I say bothered,

"Shepherd, I can't believe your type is actually military people!" He's now very invested like a school with gossip,

"It's not-- shut up." I let go of my papers,

"Is it weird, being ordered around while having sex? Ooh unless you're actually into that." He teases more, I chuckle slips out,

"Okay, I made you laugh. Come on, spill. I need deets, and you obviously have no one to talk about it with," He rubs his nose,

"I have.. Meredith and Maggie, I have people." He raises his eyebrow,

"Fine, military people is not my type, yes the sex is very mind blowing, but it's not just that she's sarcastic and calming and surprisingly easy to have no filter with because she is almost just as dark as me, she just gets me. Which is very scary to me because I'm always waiting for something terrible to happen." I laugh, my hands leaning on the table.

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