Chapter 7

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I write on the OR board with my name on it indicating I'll be removing a gastrointestinal cyst. Schmitt passes by and I say, "Hey Glasses! You're scrubbing in for cyst removal in 5. Make sure you read the chart." He turns around and says, "Of course Dr Grey!"

"You call him Glasses?" Someone behind me asks. I turn around and it's the new ortho surgeon. "Yeah long story," I fake a smile and walk over and review my gastrointestinal patient chart. "So by any chance, well you should right, but do you know who's the Head of Neurosurgery?" Barrerá asks again while leaning over the counter.

"Dr Amelia Shepard" I say without looking up. She walks towards me, "thanks."

I put my scrub cap on and scrub. I look up and I see Schmitt waiting for me. I dry myself and the surgical nurse puts a gown on me.

"10 blade please" I say calmly. Here we go.


Im at the skills lab going over what Koracick was writing on the dry erase boards. I get a marker and jot down random things that come up on my mind. But I feel someone watching.

"It's rude to sneak on people, you know" I say without turning. "Are those your ideas? They're amazing" I don't recognize that voice so I turn around and see that a hot chick leaning against wall. "And you are..?" I ask.

"Dr Barrerá. Dr Grey told me that you're Chief of Neurosurgery, Dr Shepherd?" She extends out her hand and I gladly shake it. Her hands feel tough but soft."yea she's my sister, well in-law. Pleasure to meet you, and um, some of these ideas aren't mine but thanks." I say. "do you need something?" I ask.

"I do actually. Well I need you, your brain." She smiles. Her dimples are cute.

"well a bit before I was discharged, I've been started to work on this chip, that could be inserted into the cervical spine, that could possibly connect with muscle tissue and nerves that send messages to the brain to act. And well therefore, could reduce paralysis. And maybe get rid of paralysis for good. I haven't done any trials yet and I haven't told anyone just close family. But, it would be awesome if we partnered up. Two fields work better than one right?" She finally says.

I honestly don't know what to say. Well of course  it's a brilliant idea. I mean I would love to get to know her. "I-Uh well, i mean we hardly know each other—" I get cut off and says, "I know, I know... but i feel this idea is going to work. I've read your work and I know it's going to succeed. And i know there's this study that went on in this hospital with micro sensors that were made by another surgeon here and I believe creating something like this will be very innovative. Imagine the history that two brilliant women would do that changes humanity!" She says excitedly. I just stand there, doubting.

"I don't know," I put my hands into my white coat. "Don't you specialize in ortho?" I ask.
"I mean in my fifth year I was indecisive what to pick as a specialty, so I did a fellowship of ortho and neuro under a year and a half. So I have a good way around the human brain." She explains. I still don't know if I should accept so I say, "I can't right now, I'm sure your idea is amazing but I hardly know you." I turn around and pick up the marker and continue where I left off.

"Look, let me explain my ideas please. If you say no, drinks and takeout is on me" she continues. "I don't drink." I say without facing her.

"Well, I won't give up, you'll be hearing from me everyday." She raises an eyebrow. "You won't take no for an answer are you?" I smirk.

"Never do!" She says and leaves. I watch her.


I actually don't know all of her work. Maybe one or two but I had to tell her that so she'll agree. And it worked apparently so a win for me. I really need to get my own place. Maybe an already decorated condo because I really won't have time for that since I'm starting my project again. My phone pages showing that I'm needed at the ER. I press the first floor but it stops on the second. It opens and I see Owen.

"Owen hey." I smile awkwardly. "Hey" he greets. Before that door close someone stops the doors and see pink scrubs.

"Hell- Juliána, Owen." She steps in. I scoot back and see the hickey I left her last night. Crap. Ugh the awkward tension.

"Is.. that a hickey?" He says inspecting as Carina covers it with her hair. Oh god open the elevator.

He says looking at me but I don't make eye contact with him.

"Oh, you two..?" He puts the pieces together. The elevator opens and Carina storms out. I watch her leave as the elevator door closes.

"Great you just made her mad I think." I say, crossing my arms. Hunt makes a confused expression. "Well I didn't know you two were seeing each other."

"We're not but I'm guessing she keeps her personal stuff private." I say looking at him.

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