Chapter 20

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*Most scenes belong to 5x13-15*

*3 weeks later*


"You told them you were a drug addict? Why would you do that?" I asked annoyed. It's been three days since Betty or, Britney's in this case, parents have arrived at Grey Sloan and have been trying to get a court order. As of yesterday evening they've successfully done that and at the moment Amelia and I are waiting for Leo to get picked up by his grandparents. These past few days have left me become distant to Amelia, especially now that I know they know about Amelia being an addict.

"I was trying to help in case you haven't thought of that." She crosses her arms, walking out the kitchen of the house.

"Trying to help who? Hm?" I rub the edge of my nose,

"Owen this is a painful situation for everyone. Everyone in this situation is in pain. Please don't tr--"

"Please don't what? Please don't be upset that you'd just give them the one piece of information they can use to take Leo away from me? Like they're doing right now?" I say angrily,

"You and I aren't married anymore, you literally have a baby on the way! for God's sake, at this point I will move out because since then we have just been at odd's end and if you want to fight for Leo--"

"If I wanna fight for Leo?" I point at myself. "Yes, if- if you want to fight to keep Leo, I am not standing in the way of that." She seems to reason.

"Wait, why wouldn't I fight to keep Leo?"

"Because you are his foster parent! You said that you want him to have his mother in his life, did you not? You also said you'd want what's best for him and the people are going to get them right now are his grandparents! And Britney as his mother, she is missing right now and you didn't seem to care!" She raises her voice,

"Oh she's never been a much of a mother, you and I both know that..." and by that Leo fusses because of our argument. I gently pick him up and rub his back. Amelia longingly sighs,

"Any major progress with your project with Dr Barrera?" I try to change the subject, she looks at me then at Leo, "We're doing just fine, Alex has to approve that we're moving onto subject testing and Jo is rounding up the live subjects."

"That's great, you two must be getting to know each other pretty well..." I say. She seems to notice my tone and makes a weird face,

"Yeah actually, is that... a problem..?" Before I can answer, we both hear the doorbell ring. We both look at each other. Amelia gets to the door first.


"Uh, is this a plane ticket to Italy? Again?" Juliána picks up the boarding ticket from the kitchen counter.

", my papá wants me to bring him to the States. I'm not sure how long I'll be there." I walk down the stairs, drying my wet hair with a towel.

"Ah, what for? He's a doctor too right?" She still looks at the ticket,

"Mhm, he says he was this groundbreaking research and immediately wants to pitch the idea to the Chief of Grey Sloan." I finishing drying my hair and sit on one of the high stools.

"And you leave tomorrow in the evening?" She notices and then leaves the ticket alone to put away some dishes from being washed.

"Sí, I have today to update my patients' charts at the hospital so tomorrow I have enough time to pack. And then a taxi will come and pick me up." I tell her as she finishes putting away the dishes and sits on the stool beside so we're face to face.

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