Chapter 4

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I get out of surgery and fill in the patient's post-op and once I finish, Dr Barrera comes up to me.

"Hey that was a nice save we did, right?"
I nod and say, "Yea. I'm looking forward into working with you." While I scratch my head.

"I'll be looking forward working with you too.... and if you're up for it what if we go out for drink. Think of this like a mini celebration of this awesome save." She smiles. I honestly don't what to say.... I mean I need some sort of distraction, oh but I have Leo. I'll ask Amelia if she can take care of him.

"I think that's a great idea." I agree. And she says, "Great! See you later." She says and walks away.


I open the front door of my house as my kids rush in.

"Zola have you done your homework?" I ask her. She gives me those suspicious eyes saying she hasn't. So she quickly goes up to her room. Bailey takes Ellis to the living room to play.

"Heyyy! Mer you're here!" I recognize that voice. "Alex? Is that you?" I ask. And that is. Alex brings me into a tight hug.

"God I missed you Alex..... where's Jo?" I say. Alex lets go, "Oh she's at Mass Gen. I can't believe she let me go visit you." He chuckles. Amelia comes in and she's also surprised to see Alex. "Hey what a surprise Alex." She says as she gives him a slight hug. Alex then looks around and says, "Where's Maggie?" Before anyone says anything, Amelia just laughs and says. "Oh! She's in her own world with Jackson, for all we know they could be in Paris."

"But I saw them today," I say. Amelia rolls her eyes and says, "It's a joke Mer, what I'm saying is that she's hardly ever here."


Jackson and I are walking alongside the Seattle bridge.

"It's amazing isn't?" He says. I'm confused and say, "What is?" He turns around, "You know, this beautiful night... and you" He smiles.

"Mm, yea you do have me.." I say while I wrap my arms around his neck. He leans his head down and kisses me gently first. Then I continue the kiss, he grips around my waist tightly until by phone vibrates.

"I-uh sorry -hold on..." I trail off and see that Meredith is calling. I accidentally press "Accept"

"Heyyy Mer... what's going on?" I say sheepishly. "Look just come by quickly by my place I have to tell you something really important... Cancel whatever plans you have." She says and before I can say anything, she hangs up.

"What did Meredith want?" Jackson asks as if he isn't annoyed. I look at his gorgeous eyes. How can I not leave him? "Umm look I'm just gonna go my Mer's place. It's important, you can come if you want but I have to go." I say.

"It's fine, am I going to be waiting for you at my place?" He smirks. "I honestly don't know Jackson, I'm sorry.... I'll see you" I say nervously. I kiss him a little longer and leave and looking for my car keys.


I walk into the bar I was earlier with Carina. Wait... oh my god! Carina! Why am I freaking out? I barely know the chick. I haven't seen her yet at the hospital, well it is my first day or... was now.... I clear my thoughts and spot Owen waiting for me on a bar stool.

"Hey...." I say, "Scotch on the rocks, please." I say to the bartender. It doesn't take long for the bartender to serve me the glass.

"So..... what was your position? At the Navy I mean...." he ask nervously. "No need to hesitate. I don't bite.. but um I was Commander for a while... and you?" I ask.

"Oh well I guess we sort of have the same rank, I was Major in the Army... but i think I told you I was in the army" he laughs a little. "Right..." I say and drift off as I recall of the reason I got discharged... god the chills as I look at my leg.

"Don't mean to creep you out but, I googled you a little and you were a SEAL too? Wow I'm... awfully impressed." He says abruptly. I slightly smile and drink my glass and say, "Awful? More like awesome" I joke. God that was weird.

"So where are you staying?" He asks. "I....don't know actually. I've been jumping to places like hotels and on call rooms. Why  is it that people have a thing for those rooms? Is there like magical sex or something?" I laugh.

"Mm something like that," he pauses and looks at his phone. "Hey look what do you say you can crash on my couch while I get Leo to sleep?" Wow ok he has a kid, he obviously doesn't have a ring so he's divorced or his wife is dead or he adopted but he has a ring tan line.

"Are you sure? I mean I hit the on call room.... but if you don't mind me asking, how long were you married?" I ask not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"I uh actually well it's a crazy story.... I'll tell you about it at my place... come on I'll give you a ride." He simply says as we walk out of Joe's.

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