Chapter 11

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I woke up at the sound of my alarm. I stretched an arm to the other side of the bed to touch Juliána but all I felt was the warm emptiness.
I sit up and scrunch my eyes of the sunlight pouring on me.

"Hey, you.." I hear a knock on the door frame of my bathroom. "Morning" I hoarsely reply. I see she's in her jeans and bra and looking for her shirt. I gaze at her four-pack and slightly bite my lip, I also notice there's a long scar from her left shoulder all across her waist on the right,"It's on the door knob" I point and shaking my thoughts away. Weird I didn't feel it...

"Oh thanks, also um, is this gonna be a thing now...?" Carefully asking me while putting on her shirt and gesturing with her hands, "Well... as much as I loved last night, I think this was a one time thing."

"Cool, ok." she says.

"Hey, I could make us some coffee? I'll be down in a minute." I get up putting on my robe.

"That would be nice" And leaves for the stairs.

I get my phone and ponder over the voicemail until I finally bring myself to press it. Here goes nothing;

"Todo bien?" She says putting on her jacket. So she really knows Spanish.."," I say. I walk over to the counter and start to make the coffee.

"So tell me more about your, orgasm study, don't think I didn't search you up either..." She laughs lightly.
"Well..." I start.

*Next scene will contain the scenes that actually happened (these scenes belong to Grey's Season 15, not necessarily exact dialogue )*


I walk into the Attending's lounge to hang my coat and let down my bag.

"Hey..." Maggie says entering, "you look.... different..?" I give her a confused look. And turn around and Amelia is standing there getting out of the bathroom, "Woah, what'd you do with your face?"  And before I could answer Maggie cut in, "You're going on a date aren't you?" Smiling like crazy.

"What? No..." I quickly defend. I mean I was... I am. At lunch. "Wow finally getting out there huh?" Amelia teases.

"And are you going to ask out that new ortho doctor? Cause if you keeping looking at her like that, something will happen." I tease back putting on my lab coat.

"Ha, no. I don't even like girls, so I don't like her like that. We're  just working together on a study." She replies simply I just shake my head.

"Maybe you need something new!" Maggie calls out the door when Amelia left. It's 10:41am. Almost 12. I can do this, this will be a simple blind date. Nothing more.

"So who is he? The guy you're going on a date with? Does he work here?" Maggie presses. "No... it's a blind date." I say bluntly and leave.

"Dr Grey, I have more tests and blood work for Cece." Helm comes in. "It doesn't look so good." I take the tablet from her and begin to walk towards her room. Helm's right. She's going down the drain, so far there's no kidneys available and UNOS hasn't called. 

"Helm call UNOS again for her transplant and say she's getting worse by the minute." I say.

"Yes Dr Grey." She replies. Weird. No resident answers completely like that. I shrug it off and enter Cece's ICU room.

"Hunt what do we got?" Julie comes up behind me.

"A 40-year old male open left tibia fracture and large tamponade right lung. Pulse 60 and unconscious." I say while I'm pulling the gurney on one side while Julie is on the other side.

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