Chapter 12

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I turn around a corner and see Juliána coming down the hall. I enter an on-call room and wait for her to enter.

"Hey, this better be important because I was just starting my project with Dr Shepherd." She says entering. I walk behind her and lock the door. I walk towards her slowly and touch her back.
"This.... isn't a consult Carina." She says intrigued.

"Nope, I thought we could continue maybe..?" I suggest. She turns around and raises and eyebrow, "I thought last night was a one time thing?" I nod 'no' and mover hair to the side and nibble lightly on her collarbone. Her hands travel under my scrubs onto my back that send shivers.

"Carina wait no.... I can't right now." She pleads. I separate from her just a little and ask, "What's wrong, Jules?"


"Im sorry this, just doesn't feel right. I- I just thought that I was ready for this but I'm not ready, Luke." I tear up. I'm looking into his eyes like I just broke him. God. Why did I say yes? Church. Wedding dress. Wedding rings. And then there's me.

"Wha- Jules talk to me. What's wrong." He asks. Cupping my cheeks, wiping the tears that are rolling down my face. "You don't deserve this babe. I don't deserve you. You deserve someone who'll commit to you and do every single thing with you. So...." I take my engagement ring off and grab his hand, "I will- always.... love you." I leave the ring in his hand.

"So, this is it then? We- we don't have to get married you know. We'll just be in a domestic relationship." He's at the verge of crying. Still hopeful. I nod 'no' hesitantly. I caress his face. "I'm so, so sorry. You are- an amazing kind man. And I hope you'll find a woman who is amazing too." I press my lips onto his for the last time. And gently move away.

"Is there someone else?" He asks not turning around. I walk back towards him and say, "No. I could never. It was just you and me. It's all me. I would've told before if there was. But in this case I.... don't feel right with marriage. Maybe I'm the love of your life, but you aren't mine.... and believe me, those 4 years being with you were the best when we were in war." I smile. I let go of his hand.

"I hope you find your 'love of your life' ." He smiles back.

"Juliána? Are you ok?" A voice asks. I jump back to reality. I sit down on one of the beds, "Sorry, it's just no one has called me that in a really long time." Carina bends down to level with me.

"Must've been someone really close to then?" She ask carefully while putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Ex-fiancée actually. He lit my life up when we were in war but I just, didn't feel right to get married. Wait- hold, I'm sorry you totally don't need to know this." I laugh. She smiles sympathetically and says, "Actually, I don't mind. I could use a friend to listen to. You could too listen to my past." She shrugs standing up. I do the same thing, "Yea ok, well I actually need to go. I told Dr Shepherd that I'll be working with her on a project." She stares at me weird as I open the door.


"Nothing, it's just last time I worked with someone I ended up dating her then breaking up with her." She walks out the door as well. "Let me guess, was it this so-called Arizona?" She stays silent for a while, "how do you even know that..."
I ask,
"We'll word travels fast here, which is a little creepy." She says as she leaves towards the skills lab.


Wow ok, these research papers are.... incredible. I mean this woman has an amazing brain.

"Hey you, starting without me?" Dr Barrera asks coming in. "That was a quick consult, what happened?" Hair a little out of place.

"Oh no it's just Carina- I mean Dr DeLuca paged me by mistake. So where do start?" I just look at her. "Oh we're just friends," She smiles. "Right." I scoff. She gives gives me puzzled look.

"I suggest we start with what we have right now. Writing on the board helps, a lot so you do that." I take my phone out and text Owen,

Me: Hey might me a little late, start with out me.

"What you doing?" Juliana asks still writing on the board. "Oh, I texted my— I mean Owen, we were gonna eat dinner but I don't know anymore because of this." I explain. She stops writing for a few moments and turns around. "Dr Hunt?"

I nod. "Wait..." she shakes her head, "You're the 'ex-wife'? Wow..." I'm confused. How does she know, "And you know this by...?" She turns around quickly and continues writing. I let go of the papers and walk around the table where she is.

"Are you gonna answer me?" I ask. She fails to make eye contact. Ok something must be going on. "Nothing it's just... a small world." She laughs nervously.

"Dr Barrerá, if you need to say something, say it." I countered. She sighs, closes the marker and finally makes eye contact; her arm leaning on the board.

I've never really payed attention to her eyes, but god, they're beautiful. That light brown color is mesmerizing. "Fine, you want to know? I mean Owen should tell you actually. But if you really want to know..." I shake the thoughts away. "I do actually," I reply.

"Well we... had this moment." She shakes her hands and walks away around the table and looks over other papers. "So you kissed him?" I ask.

"What? No! I didn't know even know you were his wife. He just told me he was divorced. And this happened. And it stopped, we're cool now..." she looks at me longingly.

"I'm.. sorry, it's just everything just so... fostering a 14 year old girl is no fun." I apologize. She just sighs, I look at an image of the 'microchip' it small with round edges kinda thin and small holes. I feel a vibrate:

Owen: actually I don't think that's a good idea. Come meet me at your car, 911.

Oh no, what could've happened. I clean up my stuff. "Hey, everything okay?"

"No actually, I have to go." And run off to the nearest elevator.

OWEN'S POV (his POV scenes belong to season 15 but not exact dialogue.)

"What do you mean Betty isn't at school?" Amelia asks while getting out of the parking lot.

"She is but I think she's... skipping." Amelia sighs disappointingly.
It takes us about ten minutes to get near Betty's school. I unbuckle my seatbelt but Amelia grabs my arm, "Don't, I used to do this all the time. Getting attention won't help. Let's hide out here, and just look out," She turns to me,
"Why didn't you tell me you and Barrera happened?"
I turn to her, "i didn't think I had to say anything, it just happened and then it stopped." She sighs and changes the subject,
"My mom would go crazy knowing that I skipped. She didn't understand, she didn't know I did drugs yet so I lied. I just told her that I didn't feel like learning, of course she didn't know what were the side affects of opioids and pain killers." She continues.

The bell rings and kids swarm out. And I see Betty sneaking in with this boy, "Look there she is." I point.

"I know," she sighs. Betty looks around for the car and that's when Amelia gets out and waves. I get out as well, "Hey, why did you guys park here?" She asks.

"Less traffic here. Just get inside, we'll get in, in a few." Amelia cuts in. Betty gets in and Amelia walks around the car.

"You're not gonna scold her?" I ask confused. "It's not worth it." she says.

"Oh" a few moments of silence pass by.

"Christopher." What? Who's that? I wait for her to let her tell me.

"My baby, Christopher was his name. And I've never said that out loud before. Not even to myself, but I loved him, for every second of his life. I loved him so much. And that pain was so unbearable and I think that with taking care of a kid would lessen his memory. But now that I said his name, and I can talk about him, I don't think it's gonna break me. And now I can look at Leo and Betty and know they can't erase him. And that's a good thing." She places her hand on my cheek and keeps it there until she leans in and presses her lips gently on mine.

I've missed her contact she's been so distant with fostering kids that sometimes she forgets that we're in this together.

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